
MONGO DB Movie Ticket Database

Assignment: MongoDB Database Design for Theater Ticket Sales
How to hand this in:
Put your MONGO DB URL including user id and password into a text name, named as Student Name_StudentID.txt
Upload to the D2L Submission Location.


Grading rubric on a scale of 100 points for the MongoDB Database Design for Theater Ticket Sales assignment:

Database Design and Schema (30 points)

- Effective design of database schema for managing theater operations related to movie ticket sales (10 points)
- Utilization of MongoDB best practices and data modeling principles (10 points)
- Creation of appropriate collections and building of data objects using Mongoose Schemas (10 points)

Seeding Initial Data (20 points)

- Implementation of a Mongoose script that effectively seeds initial data into the database (10 points) - Inclusion of comprehensive sample data for movies, theater halls, showtimes, customers, and ticket orders (10 points)
**Database Use Cases (30 points)** - Provision of 5 use cases demonstrating the usage of the database in the context of theater ticket sales (15 points) - Effectiveness of the use cases in covering scenarios such as storing movie details, recording showtimes, managing customer details and ticket orders, and generating reports on ticket sales and customer preferences (15 points)

Documentation and URL Submission (10 points)

- Clear and well-organized documentation outlining database design decisions and rationale (5 points) - Submission of the MongoDB Atlas URL to the database following the specified format (5 points)

Overall Quality and Correctness (10 points)

- Accuracy and completeness of the database design, data seeding, and use case implementation (10 points)
This grading rubric assesses the effectiveness of the database design, implementation, and use case provision for managing theater operations related to ticket sales using MongoDB and Mongoose.

The focus of this assignment is on utilizing MongoDB and Mongoose to model data for effective management of theater operations related to ticket sales.
The instructions emphasize designing a database schema, utilizing best practices, and creating appropriate collections with Mongoose schemas.
The emphasis is on data modeling, schema design, and effective use of MongoDB features.
For this assignment, the main focus is designing a data model that effectively represents the entities in the business domain such as movies, showtimes, customers, and ticket orders using MongoDB's native data modeling featuress.


The objective of this assignment is to design and create a MongoDB database using MongoDB Atlas for a theater that sells movie tickets.
The focus will be on utilizing MongoDB and Mongoose to model data for effective management of theater operations related to ticket sales.


Sign up for MongoDB Atlas: Sign up for a free MongoDB Atlas account to host your database in the cloud.
Database Design:
Design a database schema for managing theater operations related to movie ticket sales.
Utilize MongoDB best practices and data modeling principles.
Create appropriate collections and build data objects using Mongoose Schemas.
Seeding Initial Data:
Use Mongoose to create a script that seeds initial data into the database. Include sample data for movies, theater halls, showtimes, customers, and ticket orders.
Database Use Cases:
Provision 5 use cases that demonstrate the usage of the database in the context of theater ticket sales. These could include scenarios such as:
a. Storing movie details, including title, genre, and release date.
b. Recording showtimes for different movies.
c. Recording customer details and ticket orders.
d. Generating reports on ticket sales and customer preferences.
Database URL Submission:
Once the database is set up on MongoDB Atlas, submit the URL to your database as the deliverable of this assignment.

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