
Ansible lab


Lesson plan for teaching students how to set up and use Ansible in an AML3304 DevOps class:
Introduction to Ansible:
Define Ansible and explain its role in the DevOps toolchain
Discuss the benefits of using Ansible, including its simplicity and ability to automate repetitive tasks
Introduce the concept of "infrastructure as code" and how ansible helps with managing and configuring infrastructure
Setting up ansible:
Discuss the prerequisites for using ansible, including python and ssh
Walk students through the process of installing ansible on their systems
Demonstrate how to set up ansible configuration files and inventory files
Basic ansible usage:
Demonstrate how to use ansible to run simple ad-hoc commands on remote servers
Show how to use ansible to run playbooks, which are collections of tasks that can be executed in a specific order
Introduce students to some of the most commonly used ansible modules, such as the "command" and "systemd" modules
Advanced ansible usage:
Discuss the concept of variables in ansible and how they can be used to make playbooks more flexible
Show students how to use ansible's built-in conditionals and loops to create more complex playbooks
Introduce students to ansible roles, which allow for better organization and reuse of playbook code
Practice exercises:
Work through a series of practice exercises to reinforce their understanding of ansible's capabilities
Come up with your own ideas for playbooks and try implementing them
Final thoughts:
Recap the key points covered in the lesson and encourage students to continue learning and exploring ansible on their own
Encourage students to ask questions and share their own experiences with ansible.
I hope this lesson plan is helpful! Let me know if you have any questions or if you'd like more information on any of the topics covered.
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