
2021.11.05 Fizbin: Java Game

See the Video here: The Game of Fizbin
implement requirement:
1. computer generates a number with a random number generator
package javaapplication4;
public class JavaApplication4 {
static int UserGuess;
// 4 kinds of variables in Java
// distinction beween static and instance
// 3 characteristics of an OBJECT:
// 3 things an OBJECT has
public static void main(String[] args) {
// let's capture the user input
// UserGuess = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
// GameEngine g = new GameEngine();
class GameEngine {

Make a guessing game
1. done: program invites user to play to play a game
2. done: asks user to guess a number between to 1 to 10
3. computer generates a number with a random number generator
4. if user guesses higher than computer: user wins
A. put the minimum amount of code in public static void main
Algorithm Design:
Table 1
Column 1
done: Capture the User INPUT
There are no rows in this table

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