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Agency Or Client View
This is where the user will sign up as either an agency or a client. Two large buttons that will be titled ‘No Code Agency’ and ‘Project Owner’
Sign Up View
Email, Password, Password Confirmation, T&C’s Checkbox,
Collect Payment Details ($75 Per Month, $750 per Year)
Login View
Forgot Password View
Reset Password View
Onboarding will be split in two areas depending on what the user chose when signing up. Both onboarding views will be split into various stages (the stage must be shown at the top) and have a next and back button.
Agency Onboarding
Basic Information(Stage One) View
Data to collect → Company Name, Company Address, Logo, Size, How Old Is The Company, Experience In No-Code, Services Offered, Responsiveness Dropdown
Design Information (Stage Two) View
Data to collect → Experience in design, how many designers are on the team
Under the form there needs to be a table and each row is for a different design software i.e figma, sketch, the user can toggle on and off each software (indicating they use it) there is also a button to upload experience (this brings up the below popup) and it also has a count of the experiences uploaded.
Design Experience Popup
Popup where users can input various design experiences they have completed - i.e a design portfolio, Data to collect → Project Name, Project Duration, No Of People Working On Design, Difficulty (H,M,L), Project Description, Client Testimonial, Client Contact Email, Media Uploader (Must upload at least 3 images or one video)
Development Information (Stage Three) View
Data to collect → No-Code Development Experience (Years), No of Projects, Worked With API’s, Worked With Plugins, Worked With Templates, Types Of Apps (Multi Checkbox)
Under the form there needs to be a table and each row is for a different no code software i.e bubble, adalo, the user can toggle on and off each software (indicating they use it) there is also a button to upload experience (this brings up the below popup) and it also has a count of the experiences uploaded.
Development Experience Popup
Popup where users can input various software experiences they have completed - i.e a software portfolio, Data to collect → Project Name, Project Duration, No Of People Working On Project, Difficulty (H,M,L), Live Link, Template Based (Y/N), Api’s used (Y/N), Custom Code Used (Y/N), Plugins Used (Y/N) Project Description, Client Testimonial, Client Contact Email, Media Uploader (Must upload at least 3 images or one video)
Automation Information (Stage Four) View
Data to collect → Automation Development Experience (Years), No of Projects
Under the form there needs to be a table and each row is for a different no code software i.e zapier, integromat,, the user can toggle on and off each software (indicating they use it) there is also a button to upload experience (this brings up the below popup) and it also has a count of the experiences uploaded.
Automation Experience Popup
Popup where users can input various automation experiences they have completed - i.e an automation portfolio, Data to collect → Project Name, Project Duration, No Of People Working On Project, Difficulty (H,M,L), Estimated Time Saved, Estimated Money Saved, Technologies Used (Multi-checkbox), Project Description, Client Testimonial, Client Contact Email, Media Uploader (Must upload at least 3 images or one video)
Consultation Information (Stage Five) View
Data to collect - Clients Served (Multi-checkbox), Type Of Consulting, Service Offering
A table where the user can upload references
Project Management (Stage Six) View
This is an area where the user can input there project process, what this would look like is a blank table saying ‘Add A Stage’, the user then clicks ‘Add Stage’ button and they input the first stage of their project process (Each stage has a title and description). When they click ‘Add’, the table then shows Stage 1 - Sample Stage and this continues until the user has added at least 4 stages.
Payment/Location/Availability (Stage 7) View
Data to collect → Hourly Or Project Based (If hourly is chosen another input field is shown that looks for a rate), Project Payment Split (Dropdown), Currency (Dropdown), Work Environment (Dropdown)
Below the form there will be a table. Each row on the table will have a project name, a link, a timeline input and a cost input, the idea is the user will download the sample project and input an estimated price and timeline. The title of this area will be ‘Sample Project Pricing & Timeline’
Client (Project) Onboarding
Basic Information (Stage One) View
Data to collect → Company or Individual, Name, Address, Industry, Area Of Expertise Needed (Dropdown), Company Description, Experience In No-Code, Are You Outsourcing (Y/N), What Responsiveness (Dropdown)
Scoping View (Stage Two) View
Form One View (Title = Project Overview)
Data to collect → Project Title, Project Technologies, Current Status
Table with seven rows, Scoping, Wireframing, Design, Development, Testing, Implementation & Maintenance, each row has a title, a toggle, and an option to uploaded documents. Title can be ‘Project Breakdown’ with a subtitle, ‘choose what tasks will be needed for your project and upload any documentation you may have for each task’
Form Two View (Title = Scope)
Split into multiple input boxes/ tables
Section One (Scope Overview)
Project Overview (Main Aims)
Project Description
Purpose Of The Software
Intended Audience
Section Two (Features)
Main Pages Table (Ability to add pages using a + button) (Title, Description, Upload)
Main Features Table (Ability to add various features using a + button) (Title, Description, Upload)
User Table (Ability to add various user types using a + button) (Title, Description, Upload)
User Stories Table → The user can click a + button to add a story, each story will have a description and a user type) ‘As A _____ I want to ______’
Non Functional Requirements
Experience (Stage Three) View
Data to collect → Years Exp, No Of Projects Completed, API Experience (Y/N), Template Based (Y/N), Responsiveness, Industry, What Are You Looking For In An Agency?
Timeline/Pricing/Work Setup (Stage Four) View
Data to collect → Due Date, Budget, Once Off Or Long Term, Start Date, Hourly Or Fixed Price, Remote Or On Site, Languages, Locations
Agency Portal
Dashboard View
List Of Latest Projects
Data Cards → Money Made This Week (Filter For Week, Month, Year), Projects Completed, Projects In Progress
Due This Week → Submission, Payment Etc
Latest Projects Added (Option To Filter, Ongoing, Completed, Overdue etc)
Add Offline Project Button
My Projects/ RFPs View
List of projects, ability to search and filter based on price, technology, status etc, clicking on a project navigates to the project view
Table of recommended projects (horizontal scrolling)
Filtering, Sorting
Click through to view project
Project/RFP View
This is an overview of the project where the user can tab between basic information / project overview, scope, experience and timeline,pricing, work setup. There will be a button called ‘Submit Quote’ which will bring up the ‘Add Submission’ Page (In another tab)
Project Details
Overview of project
List of milestone / payment submissions (Submit, Request Payment and Request Extension Buttons)
List of upcoming / payment milestones
Schedule Call button
Add Submission View
View 1 - Here the agency checks off what area of the project they can do (i.e scoping, wireframing, design, development, etc ( if they toggle it on, they can then input a price and a start and end date as well as a comment area)
View 2 - Cover letter, Conditionals input, area to upload files
View Submission Popup
A visual non-editable version of the ‘Add Submission View’ In a Popup.
Withdraw submission button
Edit submission button
Analyse submission button
Analysis Popup
This popup will show an indicator of how the submission is performing against other submissions in regards. So if the agency quoted for development and wireframing, a table would appear showing there quote vs the leading quote and give a percentage difference, maybe colour it in red, yellow or green to see where they are losing. We need some charts in here to i.e number of quotes, rating of other quotes (More work needed here
Client Portal
Dashboard View
List Of Latest Projects
Data Cards → Money Spend This Week (Filter For Week, Month, Year), Projects Completed, Projects In Progress
Due This Week → Submission, Payment Etc
Latest Projects Added
Add New Project Button
My Projects View
Table of projects
Filtering, Sorting
Click Through To Project View
Option to edit project
Add New Project Button
Project View
Submissions View
Analysis/Proposals View
Print Analysis View
Price Estimator View
New Project View
Scoping View (Stage One) View
Form One View (Title = Project Overview)
Data to collect → Project Title, Project Technologies, Current Status
Table with six rows, Scoping, Wireframing, Design, Development, Testing, Implementation & Maintenance, each row has a title, a toggle and an option to uploaded documents. Title can be ‘Project Breakdown’ with a subtitle, ‘choose what tasks will be needed for your project and upload any documentation you may have for each task’
Form Two View (Title = Scope)
Split into multiple input boxes/ tables
Section One (Scope Overview)
Project Overview (Main Aims)
Project Description
Purpose Of The Software
Intended Audience
Section Two (Features)
Main Pages Table (Ability to add pages using a + button)
Main Features Table (Ability to add various features using a + button)
User Table (Ability to add various user types using a + button)
User Stories Table → The user can click a + button to add a story, each story will have a description and a user type)
Non Functional Requirements
Experience (Stage Two) View
Data to collect → Years Exp, No Of Projects Completed, API Experience (Y/N), Template Based (Y/N), Responsiveness, Industry, What Are You Looking For In An Agency?
Timeline/Pricing/Work Setup (Stage Three) View
Data to collect → Due Date, Budget, Once Off Or Long Term, Start Date, Hourly Or Fixed Price, Remote Or On Site, Languages, Locations
Search Agencies View
Search Projects View
Profile View
Project View
Add Submission View
View 1 - Here the agency checks off what area of the project they can do (i.e scoping, wireframing, design, development, etc ( if they toggle it on, they can then input a price and a start and end date as well as a comment area)
View 2 - Cover letter, Conditionals input, area to upload files
Edit Agency Profile
Basic Information(Stage One) View
Design Information (Stage Two) View
Design Experience Popup
Development Information (Stage Three) View
Development Experience Popup
Automation Information (Stage Four) View
Automation Experience Popup
Consultation Information (Stage Five) View
Project Management (Stage Six) View
Payment/Location/Availability (Stage 7) View
Membership View
Edit Client Profile View
Error 404
Error View
Privacy Policy
Policy View
Roadmap View
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