
People+ai: Projects

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Green Track: Fast-tracking Green Building Certification
Project anchor
Meghana Santosh
Vishnu Shashank
Charter doc
Description of project
Development Areas
ConsumeWise — Product Information System
Project anchor
Sonika Choudhury
Description of project
Development Areas
DigiForm - AI Powered Form Filling
Project anchor
David Menezes
Charter doc
Description of project
Development Areas
Use Case Garden
Project anchor
Asif Hassan
Description of project
Energise Community
AI Promise — Policy Working Group
Project anchor
Charu Chadha
Description of project
Society Areas
Sthaan - An Easier way to reach people
Project anchor
Sreeram Sridhar
Description of project
Development Areas
Jan ki Baat
Project anchor
Tanuj Bhojwani
Shekhar Gaikwad
Charter doc
Description of project
Jan Ki Baat is an initiative aimed at helping governments and organizations listen to their citizens and customers on a large scale using AI. This approach provides a more accurate and nuanced understanding of public sentiment. People can share their thoughts freely, without being boxed into preset responses, resulting in genuine, relevant insights. With authentic responses at scale, governments and organizations can focus on issues that matter most to their constituents or customers, leading to more informed and effective policy-making or service improvements.
Development Areas
Open Cloud Compute [OCC]
Project anchor
Tanvi Lall
Description of project
City AI Engine
Project anchor
Vishnu Shashank
Description of project
Development Areas
Project anchor
Sonia Menezes
Description of project
Media — AI Accessibility for the Deaf
Project anchor
Gopikrishnan Sasikumar
Bharat Shetty Barkur
Description of project
There are 63 million deaf people in India. An estimated, 85% cannot speak ISL and rely on lip-reading for communication. With this project we are trying to enhance communication accessibility for the deaf community in India using AI technologies, addressing both listening and speaking challenges through AI-powered solutions. We are primarily focusing on the oral spectrum of deafness who can speak and have some level of language capabilities. Additionally we will see how AI can help to create early intervention for building language skills in deaf kids.
Development Areas
Project anchor
Tanisha Sheth
Luv Singh
Description of project
Development Areas
AI Immunity
Project anchor
Sarika Atri
Description of project
Society Areas
Find My Circular - FMC
Project anchor
Naiema Hanif
Saket Sultania
Meghana Santosh
Description of project
Development Areas
AI in Education: Prototype Group
Project anchor
Naiema Hanif
Shekhar Gaikwad
Description of project
Development Areas
AI in Education: Market Group
Project anchor
David Menezes
Description of project
This project aims to build a thriving community at the intersection of education and AI. We're focusing on two main areas: Market Side and Start-Ups. The Market Side involves community building, use case exploration, and knowledge sharing through partner meetings, events, and active outreach. We'll gather and publish learnings and use case ideas, facilitate connections between builders and deployers, and form a community group. The Start-Ups side focuses on idea validation and deployment support for edtech startups. We'll partner with promising startups, help them validate prototypes, and provide strategic support in partnerships, deployment, feature development, collaborations, and funding introductions.
Energise Community
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Description of project
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