8th Grade US History Notes

Chapter 4: Colonial America

Section 1: Roanoke and Jamestown
•England set out to colonize North America in the late1500s. Sir Walter Raleigh twice sent settlers to Roanoke Island off the coast of what is now North Carolina. John White led the second group.
•White returned to England for supplies .By the time he arrived back to Roanoke, the colonists had disappeared.
• England’s next attempt at establishing a colony was at Jamestown in Virginia. Jamestown was settled in 1607.
•Jamestown’s leader was Captain John Smith. He forced settlers to work. He built ties with the Powhatan people and their leader, also named Powhatan. Jamestown thrived when it began growing tobacco.
•Many more English settlers came to Virginia. The Virginia House of Burgesses was the first legislature in North America elected by the people.
Section 2: The New England Colonies
•The search for religious freedom played a large role in England’s colonization of North America. Unhappy with the Anglican Church, many English people became Puritans who wanted to reform it. Others became Separatists and chose to leave it.
•One group of Separatists, called the Pilgrims, fled to the Netherlands. Unhappy there, they sailed on the Mayflower and arrived at Cape Cod Bay in 1620. They signed the Mayflower Compact to set up a government. Native Americans Squanto and Samoset helped the Pilgrims survive.
•In 1630, Puritans established the Massachusetts Bay colony. During the 1630s, more than 15,000 Puritans journeyed to Massachusetts to escape religious persecution and hard economic times in England. This movement is called the Great Migration.
•The Puritans in Massachusetts did not tolerate dissent, so Minister Thomas Hooker led dissenters from Massachusetts and founded Connecticut. The Fundamental Orders of Connecticut was the first written constitution in America.
• Roger Williams led his followers from Massachusetts and founded the colony of Rhode Island, which was the first place in America that allowed all faiths to worship freely. John Wheelwright led dissenters out of Massachusetts and founded Exeter Colony in what became New Hampshire.
Section 3: The Middle Colonies
•The Middle Colonies were located between the New England Colonies and the Southern Colonies. The area was first controlled by the Dutch and called New Netherland. The most important settlement was New Amsterdam, a seaport at the mouth of the Hudson River. •The Dutch West IndiaCompanysettledNewNetherlandby grantinglandtopeoplewhocouldbringatleast50settlers toworktheland.Thesepowerfullandownerswerecalled patroons.
•The English wanted New Netherland. They sent a fleet to attack New Amsterdam. The governor of the colony, Peter Stuyvesant, surrendered to the English. New Netherlands became New York. Part of New York became New Jersey.
•The Quakers, led by William Penn, founded Pennsylvania. PennranthecolonyaccordingtoQuakeridealsandhad friendly relationships with Native Americans. Penn designed the city of Philadelphia. Delaware was formed from the southern part of Pennsylvania.
Section 4: The Southern Colonies
•Virginia began with Jamestown. As the colony grew, it relied on slaves and indentured servants for labor. Indentured servants agreed to work for someone for several years in exchange for their passage to America.
•Maryland was founded by Sir George Calvert, Lord Baltimore, and his son as a place for Catholics to worship freely. There was tension between Maryland and Pennsylvania. The border was finally determined by the Mason-Dixon line.
•Maryland became a royal colony in 1692, and the Anglican Church became the official church. Catholics once again faced the same restrictions they had in England.
•In Virginia, there was also conflict. Nathaniel Bacon and other farmers wanted to move west into Native American lands.TheVirginiagovernmentopposedthismove. In 1676, Bacon led a rebellion against the government, which failed.
•The Carolina colony was chartered in 1663. John Locke wrote the constitution, or plan of government, for the colony. The colony split into North Carolina and South Carolina.
• James Oglethorpe founded Georgia as a place where debtors could get a fresh start and to block Spanish expansion from Florida.
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