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Love vocabulary for the week
New: Intermediate

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Valentine's Day

To flirt (verb)
If you flirt with someone, you are being playful with them because you’re attracted to them and you want to show that you like them. You can flirt in a few different ways by speaking
To have a crush on someone (phrase)
If you have a crush on someone, it means you like them A LOT and you would love the Opportunity to be more than friends with them.
Will you like to go out with me? (phrase) -or-Would you like to go out with me? Do you really like someone and want to spend more time with them? Perhaps
you want to ask them to go to a movie or go for dinner but you’re not sure how to ask them in
Serenade (verb/noun)
In the old days romantic men would try and win over their love by playing or singing a romantic piece of music. It’s not uncommon to have a group of singers and people playing instruments walking around a restaurant on a special day like Valentine’s Day serenading you.
Table for two (phrase)
Are you planning a special romantic dinner with your loved one? Well when you do, make sure you ask the waiter for a table for two.
To admire (verb)
To admire someone means that you look up to them, respect them and in some cases love them. Depending on the situation, you can admire a number of different people. You could admire your boyfriend or girlfriend (which is a stronger feeling) or you could admire your parents (respect them) because they’ve done a great job raising you.
Admirer (noun)
person who’s doing the action. If you admire someone, you’re an admirer On Valentine’s Day, it’s not uncommon to receive a
Valentine’s Day card without a name and instead it says from your secret admirer.
Be Mine (phrase)
This is a common line in a Valentine’s Day card. The person who’s sending it to you (your admirer) wants you to know that they like you and would like to possibly have a relationship
Bouquet (noun)(Pronounced boo-kay)
Girls just love to receive a bouquet of flowers and giving them one is one of the most romantic gestures a guy can do. A bouquet of flowers is a collection of flowers tied together and wrapped in beautiful paper with a ribbon around them.
Candlelit dinner (noun phrase)
This is perhaps one of the most romantic moments you can spend with your partner. Imagine sitting in the corner of a romantic restaurant with soft music playing and light down low with candles on the table – this is a candlelit dinner
Darling (noun)
If you say darling to someone, it means that you like them. It’s another way of saying my “love” or “babe” or “sweetheart darling
To get engaged (phrase)
If you get engaged, it means that your partner asked you to marry them and you said yes. You now wear an engagement ring on your finger, and you are planning your wedding.
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