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Love vocabulary for the week
New: Intermediate

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Cosmetic surgery

Abdominoplasty: A surgical procedure done to flatten the abdomen by removing extra fat and skin and tightening muscles in your abdominal wall. This procedure is commonly called a tummy tuck.
Acne: A skin condition characterized by the excess production of oil from sebaceous glands in which the hair follicles become plugged.
Acne scar: Scar due to severe acne. The scars can range from deep pits to scars that are angular or wavelike in appearance.
Age spots: Small, generally flat pigmented spots that are most often seen on areas of the body that have been exposed to the sun over a period of years. Age spots usually occur after age 40.
Albinism: An inherited disorder in which there is no pigmentation in skin, hair, or eyes due to the absence of melanin, the substance that gives skin its color.
Alopecia: The complete or partial loss of hair.
Autologen: A material used in lip augmentation to produce a look of fuller lips. Autologen is derived from your own skin and then injected into the lips.
Azelaic acid: A naturally occurring substance that can be used in skin care products to treat mild acne
Breast augmentation: A surgical procedure done to increase breast size.
Botox: A substance derived from botulinum toxin that works by preventing nerve impulses from reaching the muscle, causing the muscle to relax.
Brow lift: A surgical procedure in which the skin of the forehead and eyebrows is tightened to eliminate sagging eyebrows or correct frown lines in the forehead.
Cellfina: A minimally invasive, FDA approved procedure that treats the structural cause of cellulite by severing the bands beneath the skin which causes the puckering.

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