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Advanced new classic Vocabulary for the week
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Body Image and Self Esteem

"All Bodies Are Good Bodies"-This saying gets right to the heart of the matter. Cultural messaging ascribing a person’s value based on their appearance, makes for a very unhappy society. By saying there is no right or wrong way to look; you are shutting down the idea that some bodies are better than others.
"The Scale Is Just A Measurement Of Your Body's Effect To Gravity"-After years of disordered eating and daily weigh-ins, it took the birth of my own daughter, to realize that what I weigh shouldn’t affect my self esteem. It sounds simple but it was revelation. Feeling sad because you have put on a few pounds is a true waste of emotion. The only scales I want my daughter to be preoccupied with are the ones weighing her baggage at the airport as she goes on an adventure.
"Clothes Don't Need To Be Flattering"-Boy I'm bored of the F word. The notion of women needing to buy clothes, that solve the "problem" of their shape, is so bogus. Not to mention when your daughters hear you use this expression, it tells them that people are imperfect. The next time you find yourself about to say it, swap the word "flattering" for awesome. You can compliment a cool outfit, without hating on your own body.
"Your Body Is An Instrument, Not An Ornament"-It's so important that people recognize how amazing their bodies are, instead of how their bodies look. Start using words like "strong," "fast," and "impressive" whenever your daughter starts to discuss her or anyone else’s body. You will be surprised at how quickly it changes the tone, from one of judgement to body positive joy
"Self Worth Isn't Based Solely On Appearance"
"Every Body Is A Bikini Body"-The messages surrounding how we should look on the beach, are some of the least body positive ones your daughter will encounter. Subvert this, and use your time in a swimsuit to teach your daughter how to be body positive. In these settings, you will see women of all shapes and sizes, bearing various C-section scars, cellulite, and varicose veins, allowing you to teach your daughter, that without photo-shop everyone look's perfectly imperfect.
"It's Not Your Job To Be Pretty"-Being pretty is not an obligation. It's important to make girls feel valued, without subscribing to the currency of female beauty. I regularly praise my daughter for things other than her adorable face. Sassy outfits, great jokes, and a kind heart always receive a hi-five.
"Exercise For Fun Not Beauty"-At the height of my eating disorder, exercise was about being thin, rather than being healthy. If talking to my daughter about fitness, I keep conversation body positive by concentrating on how great it feels to run with our dog or master a new karate move. It's not about image. It's about feeling great inside.
"Speak Well Of Yourself And Others"
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