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7 Tips On How To Improve Employer Branding

Learn the importance of employer branding and how to improve your brand marketing with employees.
Every organization has a reputation in the market and among competitors regarding their products, services, teams etc. It takes years of dedicated effort to build and has the power to make or break a business.
The reputation and perspective towards your company among potential talents as an employer is called .
Your employer brand resides in the thoughts and views of your employees, both current, former, and potential.
Every business should take care to retain the best employees and hire new talent. This is where your employer brand comes into play.
With a few handful tips and some changes to your existing policy, you can also build a strong employer brand for your business and create a buzz in the job market.
Here's how you should go about it:

1. Know your company

The first step to creating a strong employer brand is for you to know your company inside out. Focus on the companies’ core vision, mission and values. This will let you analyze what it is that your business needs and what is the narrative you should be pushing forward.
Make sure to align your employer brand and core values with your business goal.

2. Smooth onboarding

The first three months of a new employee is crucial for a new employee. This time period is where they will make an impression of how the company works, the culture and morale and so on. In short, these 90 days are what will turn a new employee into a productive one.
Ensure your new employees are equipped with everything necessary so they can excel in their roles. The more excited your employees are about their new position and your company, the better your employer brand will be.
On the other hand a negative impression while onboarding for a new hire is never a good start.

3. Creating an employer value proposition

An employer value proposition is essentially a message of promising you to give to your employees as a company. Make sure you do not add anything in the proposal that is not necessarily true or does not align with company values.
Your employer value proposition can be published on your company website, social media pages, or LinkedIn profile. In fact, you can at your organization to reward employees based on their performance.
The proposition shouldn't deviate from the core values of the company. We recommend not talking about monetary compensation but how the work is fulfilling and meaningful to the employee.

4. Making use of current employees

A potential candidate looking to work in your company is very likely to want to know first-hand experiences. Conduct employee interviews or get written testimonials that can be published on the company website. This will create a positive impact on your brand as an employer.

5. A strong social media presence

A strong and positive social media presence is crucial for employer branding. This can help you tremendously to cultivate a positive perception of your company.
Be updated in official social media accounts about the happenings in your company. Create posts, videos, blogs, and other engaging content for your social media page.
Creating fun hashtags and asking employees to post company events under them on their personal social accounts will also .
Social media is a huge medium to reach a vast audience, and hence you should be careful about what you post and make sure not to overdo it.

6. Build a diverse and inclusive team

As a company, you should be genuinely committed to building a diverse and inclusive team. Not only does it look good on paper, but a diverse workforce can also aid in better work culture, innovative ideas, and varied insight.
Be conscious about including disabled people, minorities, races, and ethnicities in your workforce. A diverse team will go a long way in creating an employer brand that is also positive.

7. Research well

Conduct internal and external research to get a clear idea of how your employees and the target group perceive your company.
Have an idea where you stand in terms of employer branding compared to your peers. You can conduct focus group interviews or even anonymous surveys to calculate employee engagement and such.
Develop and use metrics based on the research to cultivate strategies to improve employer branding.
We hope this article with a curated list of strategies to improve employer branding has helped you. Depending on your company and its individual needs and challenges, tailor made strategies might be required to develop your employer branding.

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