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The Motherload of Support Awesomeness (Or All The Amazing Value That You Totally Offer)

(That title doesn’t seem right. It’s too short.)
I have no doubt that you talk about your customer support skills and experience. But if it feels hard to describe what value you offer that others don’t, then this is for you.
From all the applications I reviewed, candidates I’ve interviewed, and support folks I’ve spoken to, I’ve found that people in customer support tend to undervalue their own skills. That’s not surprising when companies notoriously underestimate, under-appreciate, and underpay for customer support roles. But here’s the thing...

You are so much more than someone who answers questions and troubleshoots issues.

More companies than ever before recognize the real value that customer support brings. They know it’s a requirement for their success, especially if they want to last. They expect more from their support folks and, therefore, pay more. So you need to show them that you see the value that customer support provides and that you know how to deliver that value.
If you’re struggling to articulate what that value is, here’s a list of things that support pros like you do on a regular basis that provide tons of value for a company. Feel free to use the ones that are true for you in your application responses, resume, cover letter, or even as ideas for what to talk about during interviews.
You’re welcome to scroll through the list, or you can use the filter buttons below to narrow down the support awesomeness items by the skill or experience you want to highlight.

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Excellent Customer Experience
Customer Retention
Awesome Teammate
Support & Remote Skills
Product Improvement
Creating Scalable Resources
Customer Advocate

The Motherload of Support Awesomeness (Or The Amazing Value That You Totally Offer)
Awesome Thing You Do
You go beyond answering the original question and proactively prevent a customer from running into another issue.
Excellent Customer Experience
You spend more time teaching than telling or doing to increase a customer's confidence in learning the tool themselves.
Excellent Customer Experience
Customer Retention
You break down complex concepts into easy-to-understand chunks that make the customer feel smart and capable. You don't talk down to them or make them feel small.
Excellent Customer Experience
You advocate for new features or the priority of bug fixes because you see first-hand what customers struggle with.
Product Improvement
Customer Advocate
You find and share patterns across issues and questions, and suggest where the product can be improved.
Product Improvement
You write articles, record videos, and lead training webinars so you can help even more customers.
Excellent Customer Experience
Creating Scalable Resources
You share positive customer feedback on a new feature with the rest of the company, so those who worked on the feature can feel the appreciation for their work.
Awesome Teammate
You develop workarounds to help the customer get the most from the product.
Customer Retention
Excellent Customer Experience
You build trust and relationships with customers, so they are more likely to stick with your company.
Customer Retention
You pass customer feedback to the product or engineering teams to prevent issues from affecting more customers.
Product Improvement
Customer Advocate
When a customer asks for a new feature, you take the extra time to ask more questions so you can better understand the problem they believe their feature request will resolve. You can then better suggest alternative solutions or workarounds, and provide helpful insights to the product team who can decide if the new feature request truly is the best way to solve the customer’s issue or not.
Product Improvement
Excellent Customer Experience
You advocate for changes to policies to better serve customers and to lead with empathy (and doing what’s right).
Excellent Customer Experience
You remind others in the company about why the company exists and who they really serve: customers.
Customer Retention
Customer Advocate
You treat customers with respect, empathy, and kindness because you are the face of the company. When customers think about a company, they think about the people they interact with the most. That’s the support team. That's you. And you take that responsibility seriously.
Excellent Customer Experience
You follow up with a customer that was having a tough day yesterday to see if they're doing okay and if there's anything else you can do to help.
Excellent Customer Experience
Customer Retention
You offer to call a customer outside of your support hours (and your work schedule) because no one else is available, and the customer's issue is urgent.
Customer Retention
Excellent Customer Experience
You remain empathetic and focused while juggling dozens of emails from angry customers, pinging the devs for an update, looking for a temporary workaround, and communicating any changes with the rest of your support team.
Awesome Teammate
You patiently walk a customer through a second example using a different approach to help them better grasp a new concept without any condescension or judgment.
Excellent Customer Experience
Customer Retention
You spend time every day following up with customers who never responded to ensure that their issue is resolved. Because you know that many customers never come back to tell you they still need help and they can end up switching to another product.
Customer Retention
Excellent Customer Experience
You jump on a quick screenshare to show a customer how to set up the page they need because you can sense their quiet frustration coming through in their last email.
Excellent Customer Experience
Customer Retention
You stay on the phone with a customer on a Friday afternoon (past your shift) because a customer lost all of their information, is freaking out, and you're not leaving until they get the peace of mind they're ultimately looking for.
Excellent Customer Experience
Customer Retention
You remember that every customer is a real person who deserves respect and understanding, and you make sure to remind others of that too.
Excellent Customer Experience
Customer Advocate
You put together detailed information to help make the case for a new feature or bug fix when it’s critical for a customer.
Customer Advocate
Customer Retention
Creative problem-solving - You can come up with creative workarounds and suggestions to help customers even when a resource doesn’t already exist, or there’s no option to resolve an issue right away.
Excellent Customer Experience
Customer Retention
Support & Remote Skills
You continue growing your technical troubleshooting skills so you can more quickly resolve issues for customers while giving the engineers more time to focus on other priority work.
Awesome Teammate
Excellent Customer Experience
You improve processes, create canned responses, and add to internal knowledge bases to help your teammates succeed in providing customers with fast and excellent support.
Awesome Teammate
Excellent Customer Experience
You help to train new team members by answering questions, walking them through using the product, teaching them how to troubleshoot advanced issues, and helping them understand the way your team approaches supporting customers so that customers receive a consistent experience.
Awesome Teammate
Excellent Customer Experience
You review tickets, chats, and phone calls to provide feedback to your team so they can continue to improve their skills and provide customers with a better experience.
Excellent Customer Experience
Awesome Teammate
You lead projects for improving support operations, including creating more resources for both customers and your team.
Excellent Customer Experience
Creating Scalable Resources
You advocate for what your team needs to do their best work and provide the best possible experience for customers.
Excellent Customer Experience
You respond to customer questions in the forums, which also help future customers with similar questions.
Excellent Customer Experience
Creating Scalable Resources
You collect common customer issues and questions, and you review those with your team to find the best way to tackle those in the future.
Excellent Customer Experience
Customer Retention
You document questions not covered in articles or videos, and you create those resources to ensure they will be available for customers through self-service next time.
Creating Scalable Resources
Excellent Customer Experience
You make a point of regularly adding to your team’s internal knowledge tool so that your teammates can more easily find answers and get help the next time they are dealing with a similar question or issue.
Awesome Teammate
Creating Scalable Resources
Adaptable - You can adjust at a moment’s notice to urgent issues that pop up, and ensure that communication is clear and continuous with customers so they can be confident that they are taken care of.
Support & Remote Skills
Excellent Customer Experience
Resourceful - You know how to work autonomously and search through the available resources and test things out yourself before reaching out to the rest of your team for help.
Support & Remote Skills
Excellent Customer Experience
Awesome Teammate
Resourceful - When it’s not possible for the product or engineering teams to resolve an issue or add in a missing feature, you find a way to create an alternative solution that doesn’t require their resources.
Support & Remote Skills
Customer Retention
Excellent Customer Experience
Action-Taker / Initiative - You see a problem and choose to find a solution for it versus ignoring it or mentioning it to others in hopes that someone else will find a solution. Like that time you noticed your ticket autoresponder was sending out a bad link and you figured out how to make the update yourself.
Support & Remote Skills
Excellent Customer Experience
Awesome Teammate
Always Learning / Adaptable - You have no problem teaching yourself and learning new tools to better help your team and your customers. This could be a data tool you learned for better reporting, a technical tool for in-depth troubleshooting, or a new internal knowledge management tool to help your team keep track of all the tribal knowledge.
Support & Remote Skills
Adaptable - When you’re on a call and a customer asks for something that’s a total curveball, you don’t panic. You listen carefully to what they’re asking, ask clarifying questions, and figure out what the next steps are. You don’t let unexpected questions or issues prevent you from finding a way to help your customers.
Support & Remote Skills
Excellent Customer Experience
Self-Manage / Can Prioritize - When you have 20 requests with different questions, issues, and concerns sitting in your queue, you know how to review them all and quickly prioritize in what order to respond to them so that all customers are getting the best support possible.
Support & Remote Skills
Excellent Customer Experience
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Excellent Customer Experience
Customer Retention
Product Improvement
Creating Scalable Resources
Customer Advocate
Awesome Teammate
Support & Remote Skills
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