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Melotti feedback

Melotti feedback on Home and Auto pages
For team Digital / Tonic to review (UX and site design)
0:35 - lots of white space and gutters/hallways | low res (maybe staging)? Size of text is small. Suggests at end of video to zoom in for desktop.
1:20 - can we get icons in the top What do you need help with? for Divisions (like we have on footer) (maybe don’t need once you move Services up closer?)
3:12 - need to move SERVICES how we can help you up on the page (swap modules with GET TO KNOW US)
4:00 Personalise the buttons eg Learn more say Hear our story (need to do across site - CJ has edited in copy)
5:00 Yellow on white hard to read the text. Text is too small. Consider looking at 120% this is same across site.
9:50 Other Useful links above the Careers module. This is more important than career and commitments for customers. (Claudia CJ : do you remove E&P member and just keep in footer and on E&P page??)
11:10 - For top menu, should add Manage my booking and Explore FAQs up the top
11:35 Should check if there are 500+ words of key words on home page
13:00 - Learn more links to top of page - should this be removed? Or where does it go to?
17:15 +- re Costs and payment module and changes recommended. Have marked up in Heurio (but FYI as need to extend changes across all pages)
20:38 need to put a square a TESTIMONIALS as it gets lost in the white background and merges with Costs module. Is disconnected from UX perspective.
26:30 - Anchor links need to be consistent - watch out
31:00 - (for all pages) Why choose O’Brien Autoglass module, the dot points text is images - so not getting benefit of SEO . (which is a provlblem as these are important). Is there another option to make text? when it scrolls, as the text is an image )?) not picked up for SEO (which is a problem)
46:20 - For pages like rear, side, wipers - suggestion to add module (like latest from O’Brien one on home page) and link to previous blog articles. Good for SEO and using past content. eg Read some related articles

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