
QuikRun API Docs 🧑‍💻

🚀 Introduction

QuikRun is a cloud-based platform that allows you to compile code for multiple programming languages with ease. With its user-friendly interface, support for multiple programming languages, integration with no-code/low-code tools, and the ability to share and test your code, QuikRun can help you streamline your coding process and make your workflow more efficient.

🏃‍♂️ Getting Started

To get started with QuikRun, follow these simple steps:
Create an account on QuikRun: Head over to and sign up to get started. If you already have an account, simply .
Copy your authentication Token: Once you're logged in, go to your profile page and click on the "Reveal Token" button to obtain your authentication token.
Make API calls: Now that you have your authentication token, you can use it in any API call route to authenticate and compile your code.
Note: You can only make 10 API calls per day. If you want to increase the limit, please contact .
You can find the Postman collection & API documentation for QuikRun

🔐 Authentication

To pass Authentication, include the token obtained in the "Copy your authentication Token" step as a Bearer token in the Authorisation header of every API call. The header should look like this:
Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>

🎯 Endpoints

👤 Endpoint 1 (Signup User)

Method: POST
Description: This endpoint creates a new account for the user. Welcome aboard! 🚢
Request Body:

🔑 Endpoint 2 (Login User)

Method: POST
Description: This endpoint returns the access and refresh tokens for the user upon successful login.
Request Body:

📋 Endpoint 3 (Get Plans)

Method: GET
Description: Returns the list of active plans.
token_type: refresh_token

🌐 Endpoint 4 (Get Languages)

Method: GET
Description: Returns the list of actively supported languages**.**
token_type: refresh_token

💻 Endpoint 5 (Create Submission)

Method: POST
Description: This endpoint returns the response for the code and language ID passed to it.
token_type: refresh_token
Request Body:

💻 Endpoint 6 (Create Submission by Id)

Method: POST
Description: This endpoint returns the response for the snippet ID and language ID passed to it.
token_type: refresh_token
Request Body:

🕰️ Rate Limiting

As a measure to maintain the stability and reliability of the QuikRun API, there is a rate limit of 30 API calls per minute. This rate limit applies to all users, regardless of their plan or level of access. It is important to note that exceeding the rate limit may result in errors or even suspension of API access. To ensure optimal performance and avoid disruptions to your workflow, we recommend that you adhere to the rate limit and adjust your use of the API accordingly. If you require a higher rate limit, please reach out to us at to discuss your needs and explore potential solutions.

📦 Packages for Snippets

To ensure the smooth execution of your code snippets, having the right set of packages installed is crucial. We offer a comprehensive list of popular packages that we support and can be directly used in your snippets. Click on the following link to access the list of supported packages:
Here are some example snippets that demonstrate how to use packages with various programming languages:
JavaScript: Check out this example for using npm packages in JS:
TypeScript: Take a look at this example for using npm packages in TS:
Python: Here's an example for using pip modules in Py:
Ruby: Finally, you can use this example for using gem packages in Rb:
QuikRun Playground
4.6 MB

🙌 Conclusion

In this document, we have described how to get started with QuikRun, including authentication, and provided details of its endpoints. These endpoints include creating a new account, logging in, getting active plans, getting active languages, and creating a submission.
If you encounter any issues or require further information about QuikRun, please contact . We hope you enjoy using QuikRun to make your coding experience more enjoyable and efficient!

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