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PRD: [Zoom enhancements]

Automate Attendance using facial recognition
Zoom Enhancements

Problem Alignment

The Problem

Problem statement - To enhance user experience for the participating stakeholders (belonging to the education sector primarily) in a Zoom meeting.
[ Based on primary research (questionnaires and interviews), the two common challenges teachers in a Zoom (or any other similar platform) meeting face are:
a. spending significant time and energy on attendance due to reasons like poor connectivity, non-tech users, and of course, the absence of a physical classroom where monitoring is easier,
b. difficulty in authenticating the identity of the attendee.
Zoom (or similar online communication platforms) users have grown in number of late owing to the pandemic, that has paved the way for digitization in almost every arena. The teacher, student and parent community is a significant trigger for the increase in the userbase, and this has made almost mandatory for these platforms to enhance their usability to attract and retain their users belonging to this demography. ]

High-level Approach

Create a customized interface for our intended target user group (educators) by introducing a classroom mode.
Phase 1 : Automate the process of attendance using facial recognition ID system.

Goals & Success

Goal: Increase the userbase of Zoom
Success Metrics:
Customer Retention Rate
Customer Engagement: DAU MAU
Net Promoter Score
Customer Satisfaction

Solution Alignment

Key Features

The new classroom mode facilitates the automation of certain routine tasks and provides a more real classroom like experience to the users.
The following is the list of features that will be developed:
Automation of class attendance (includes Facial Recognition integration) - Highest Priority (Target Release- Phase 1)
Ability to export the attendance data to excel - High Priority (Target Release- Phase 1)
Voice recognition integration - Medium Priority (Phase 2)
Classroom Activities - Medium Priority (Phase 2)
Monitoring Controls - Low Priority (Phase 2)
Subtitles - Low Priority (Phase 2 or later)

Key Flows

Refer to the wireframe using the link below:

Launch Readiness

Key Milestones

Sun, Oct 31
Dogfood 🐶
Internal employees only
Testing internally
Tue, Nov 30
Beta 👥
Early cohort of 100 customers
Getting user feedback
Fri, Dec 31
Launch! 🚀
Gradual ramp over the day to 100% of all users
It's the big day!
There are no rows in this table

Launch Checklist

Make sure you answer all of the questions below and involve necessary stakeholders.
Will new learning material be needed (or updates to existing documentation)? Help Center articles? Images/GIFs? YouTube videos? Plugin documentation?
Growth & Data
Have you implemented sufficient tracking in order to measure success, risks and impact on user behavior for the new feature?
Are we turning this feature on for everyone immediately (versus a gradual rollout)
Are we running a Beta for this?
Do we need an onboarding experience?
Will this be available only in certain tiers (Pro or Org)?
Could this break any existing integrations (e.g., with Zeplin, JIRA)?
Will this introduce new work on mobile or mobile web?
Security & Privacy
Are you introducing new data models, or exposing new API end points? Or are you changing anything to do with Authentication, Sign in, or Sign up? Is data flowing to a new vendor or outside of Figma prod ?
Are we collecting any data that we did not already, or are we using any data in a manner that we did not already use it in?

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