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FAQ in English

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Benefits / ROI
What are the benefits for our company?
A carbon management solution allows for more accurate carbon measurement, industrializes and standardizes data collection, and helps anticipate regulations (financial savings + time).
How does the solution facilitate collaboration with external stakeholders?
The platform allows for data and report sharing with external stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, and investors.
How can the solution support strategic sustainability decision-making?
There is no automated module currently, but it is possible to perform analyses.
What competitive advantages can this solution offer our company?
The solution can help improve your company's environmental reputation, meet increasing customer expectations, and differentiate from competitors.
How can the solution help our company achieve its sustainability goals?
The platform allows for tracking and managing carbon emissions, contributing to achieving your sustainability goals such as carbon neutrality or reduced ecological footprint.
How can the solution engage and raise awareness among our employees about carbon emissions reduction?
The platform can provide dashboards and accessible reports to employees, along with collective goal tracking features, encouraging engagement and awareness.
How can the solution help us effectively communicate our sustainability efforts to stakeholders?
The platform provides clear reports and visualizations that can be used to communicate your sustainability efforts to stakeholders, such as CSR reports or external communication documents.
Can the solution help our company identify energy efficiency and cost reduction opportunities?
No, that's not currently possible.
What are the criteria for selecting an effective carbon management solution suitable for our company?
The selection criteria include platform simplicity, adaptability to specific needs, compatibility with existing systems, quality of technical support, and experience in the field or industry.
How can the solution help our company measure the environmental benefits of our sustainability initiatives?
The platform allows for measuring and quantifying the environmental benefits of your sustainability initiatives by providing indicators such as carbon emission reductions.
How can the solution help our company identify sustainable innovation opportunities?
The solution can analyze your data and help identify sustainable innovation opportunities, such as introducing new technologies or more environmentally friendly processes in your value chain.
What are the brand image and stakeholder relationship benefits our company can gain from implementing this solution?
Implementing this solution demonstrates your commitment to sustainability and can enhance your brand image, improve stakeholder relationships, and position you as a leader in environmental responsibility in your industry.
How can the solution help our company track and report our progress in reducing carbon emissions?
The platform provides tracking and reporting tools that allow you to regularly monitor your progress in reducing carbon emissions and transparently communicate these results to your stakeholders.
Data collection
How does the solution handle data collection and quality control for emissions data?
The solution can provide tools to facilitate emissions data collection, such as online forms, integrations with other systems, and quality controls to ensure accuracy and reliability of collected data.
What are the criteria for verifying carbon emissions data?
The criteria for verifying data may vary based on applicable standards or regulations, but generally involve independent validation processes to ensure the accuracy and integrity of carbon emissions data.
How does the solution ensure traceability of carbon emissions data back to their sources?
The solution can include tracking and documentation features to ensure traceability of carbon emissions data, recording the sources and methodologies used for each collected data point.
What are the best practices or industry references integrated into the solution's carbon management approach?
The solution generally incorporates industry best practices and relies on recognized references, such as international initiatives, sector-specific protocols, or environmental reporting frameworks, to ensure a solid and standards-aligned approach. The template-contributive approach also allows companies to share their research among themselves.
How does a carbon management platform work?
The platform collects data on the company's activities, calculates carbon emissions, and provides analysis and action tools.
How does it ensure data accuracy?
The platform uses standardized methods such as GHG Protocol, SECR, EPA, BGES ADEME, and recognized calculation protocols to ensure data accuracy on emissions.
How does it set emission reduction targets?
The solution allows for goal configuration and visualization. Goal configuration aligns with the SBTi method, and you can define your own targets, which can be more or less ambitious.
What emission offset options does it offer?
It's not possible to purchase offset quotas on the platform. However, you can account for them separately.
How does the solution ensure data confidentiality?
The platform implements strict security and confidentiality measures to protect your data from unauthorized access. We have a rigorous data policy aligned with ISO 27001 standards.
Can the reports and environmental performance indicators be customized?
Yes, the solution allows for customization of reports and indicators to meet your company's specific needs.
Does it provide supply chain emissions tracking?
Yes, the solution can integrate carbon emissions tracking throughout the supply chain, including suppliers and subcontractors.
Does the solution provide real-time monitoring and alerting features?
There are no alert or monitoring features currently.
How does the solution account for seasonal variations or production fluctuations?
It is possible to configure adjustments in the platform, but external context analysis is not available.
Does the solution offer benchmarking features to compare our environmental performance with similar companies?
Currently, benchmarking with competitors is not possible. We made this choice because the data is currently too heterogeneous to establish representative thresholds.
What are the reports and key indicators provided by the solution?
The solution allows for displaying carbon reports and will soon be available for other greenhouse gases.
How can the solution help our company identify short-term and long-term emission reduction initiatives?
The platform allows for analyses to identify significant emission sources. It's also possible to create estimations for actions and define a reduction plan to achieve your goals.
How can the solution contribute to engaging our suppliers in carbon emissions reduction?
The solution can share carbon emission data with your suppliers, encourage them to reduce their own emissions, and foster closer collaboration in sustainability matters.
What emission projection or modeling scenarios can the solution provide?
The platform can be configured to perform emission projections and modeling, helping you assess the impacts of different measures or strategies on your future emissions.
How can the solution help integrate sustainability and carbon management into our decision-making processes?
With the platform, it's possible to estimate carbon emissions upstream of your decisions, integrating carbon measurement within your decision-making process.
What are the key environmental performance indicators that the solution can track?
Currently, it's only possible to track greenhouse gases. We are working on integrating other input indicators.
Can the solution help our company evaluate risks related to climate change and resource instability?
Not currently.
How can the solution help our company integrate carbon management into our financial reporting?
The platform allows for providing exportable reports to analyze carbon emissions and integrate them into your financial reports.
How does the solution ensure confidentiality and security of our company's carbon emission data?
The solution implements robust security and confidentiality measures to protect your carbon emission data, using industry-standard practices and protocols.
What is a carbon management platform?
A carbon management platform is a software platform that helps companies measure, track, and manage their carbon emissions.
How does it integrate with our existing systems?
The solution easily integrates with your current systems such as accounting or energy management through an API-First approach.
What are the costs associated with implementation and usage?
The costs vary based on your company's size and the complexity of your current system.
What types of data will our company need to provide?
You will need to provide data on energy consumption, direct and indirect emissions, travel, and other carbon-related activities (purchases, depreciations, etc.).
What are the implementation and team training timelines?
The implementation and training timelines depend on your company's size and system complexity, but we commit to minimizing them as much as possible (1 to 3 months on average).
What training and support options are offered by the company providing the solution?
The company providing the solution generally offers initial training for your team and ongoing support to address your questions and help you make the most of the platform.
Are there integrations with other systems or platforms we already use?
Yes, the solution can be integrated with other existing systems or platforms, such as supply chain management software, to facilitate data sharing and information consistency.
Can the solution be customized to our specific industry or local regulations?
Yes, the solution can be customized to meet the specific needs of your industry and comply with local carbon emissions regulations. It's also possible to distribute the platform as white-label or through partnerships.
How does the solution address indirect emissions such as employee transportation or business travel?
The platform can integrate data on employee transportation and business travel, allowing calculation and tracking of the indirect emissions associated with these activities. If you don't have this data, we provide employee questionnaire templates free of charge.
What are the implementation steps for the solution and what level of involvement is required from us?
The implementation steps vary based on your company's size and complexity, but they generally involve data collection, platform configuration, and team training. We will work closely with you throughout the process.
How does the solution account for different emission sources, including indirect emissions?
The solution takes into account different emission sources, both direct and indirect, using appropriate calculation methods and integrating relevant data into the overall analysis of emissions from scope 1 to scope 3.
What customization options does the solution offer to meet our specific needs?
The solution can be customized to meet your specific needs, such as adding emission categories specific to your industry, configuring reports and dashboards, or integrating with other existing systems and aesthetic customization.
Is the solution compliant with current standards and regulations?
Yes, the solution is designed to be compliant with environmental standards and regulations, such as GHG emission calculation protocols and ISO reporting standards.
How can the solution help our company stay compliant with international climate goals?
The platform provides tools and reports to monitor your contribution to international climate goals, such as emission reduction agreements, helping you stay compliant.
How does the solution facilitate the management of carbon offset initiatives, such as purchasing carbon credits?
The platform can track and manage your carbon offset initiatives, including the purchase of certified carbon credits, providing tracking, calculation, and reporting features.
How can the solution help our company stay informed about carbon emissions regulations updates?
That's not currently possible.
Can the solution help our company obtain environmental certifications or labels?
Yes, the platform can facilitate tracking and data collection for obtaining environmental certifications or labels, such as ISO 14001 or industry-specific sustainability certifications.
How can the solution help our company assess the environmental impact of our products or services?
The platform can integrate data on the life cycle of your products or services, allowing you to evaluate their overall environmental impact and identify improvement opportunities. Currently, data is only available for CO2.
Can the solution help our company comply with carbon emissions disclosure regulations?
Yes, the platform can generate reports compliant with carbon emissions disclosure regulations, such as GHG Protocol reports or reports for national regulations.
What methodology is used to calculate carbon emissions?
The methodology used typically relies on recognized standards and protocols, such as IPCC, GHG Protocol, or ISO 14064, to ensure consistency and accuracy in carbon emission calculations.

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