Campaign Setup for Newson

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2. Account setup

When logged into the client account,
Go to “Accounts” Click “Add LinkedIn Account”
Click “Add Using LinkedIn Credentials”
For a Real LinkedIn Profile: Add in the LinkedIn Email and Password and pick the Location that matches where the client location is based.
For an AI Sales Rep: Click Use-in built proxy - to add in the proxy details (manually entering in proxy details)
For the AI-Sales Rep enter in the proxy details in the boxes. You can find the proxy detail information on this Monday board here:

If the proxy is not working, do the following: A: Send a message in the slack channel: “Newson-getaia” - tag @donny and share the LinkedIn Email and Name of the LinkedIn Account and mention to him that the proxy is not working and needs fixing ASAP. B: Also update in the comments on the “Supplied Profiles Monday Board” The Date and the proxy is not working. Link board: For example: 22/06 - Proxy Expired We have to do this for accounting purposes.
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