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Nomad Wealth
Part 3: Get Growing

Unlocking Growth and Expansion

Nothing in this world ever stays the same. The only absolute certainty is change. Internet business is not an exception to this rule. As a matter of fact, business on the internet changes faster than just about anything you can imagine.
Another reason that so many new internet businesses don’t survive for very long is that a new entrepreneur will start a business based upon one single idea and never grow or expand beyond that single idea.
These people have what I sometimes call ‘tunnel vision’. They don’t look around at the internet business landscape and make the necessary changes that keep them visible and a player in the marketplace.
Internet businesses themselves will naturally grow and expand if the owner or manager of the business grows and expands his knowledge and is willing to adapt to the inevitable changes that take place on a daily basis in Internet business.
It is simply good business to invest a minimum of 5% of your time and your income back into yourself. You ARE your business.
I’ve heard the term ‘continuing education’ tossed about like it was a choice to be made.
Continuing education is not a choice if a business is to be successful. The 10% of new internet businesses that will still be around after the next 120 days will be owned or managed by people who are constantly learning new things and applying those new things to the internet businesses that they operate.
They attend real world seminars. They attend teleseminars and webinars. They read multiple newsletters every single day.
They learn...they grow....they adapt....they succeed. That is very easy to say but it is much harder to accomplish. However, those who do accomplish it will still be in business when most others are not.
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