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Nomad Wealth
Part 1: Get Ready

Planning Success

There is an old saying that I quote very often.
“Those who fail to plan, plan to fail!”
I say it often because it is the single most important fact of success in a nutshell.
A plan for an internet business is just exactly like a road map that would be used for making a road trip.
It is a detailed plan of how to get from point A (starting an internet business) to point B (having a successful internet business) in the shortest possible time and without taking the scenic route.

Find A Community or Mentor

You can have all of the details written down of exactly how you plan to succeed but if you can find a mentor or community of people like you, that process can be cut in half.
Finding your community or mentor needs to always be in your mind as you make contacts and build business relationships.


Building a business is a very exciting undertaking but it is one that is fraught with obstacles.
You can overcome the obstacles and succeed but don’t expect it to be easy or quick. It will be neither.

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