
Product Brief on Acid Exercise

The Product Brief (on Acid)-aka PBA-is a central framework that’s distilled the most essential product information in a brief that can be applied for iterative applications across sales, marketing, and customer success materials.

Product Description

Write a one or two sentence description of your product or feature.
Asana Goal Management is how you align company objectives with the task/OKR that passed down to the employee.

How it Works

You should be able to describe how your product or feature works in three-five steps. Then list which features are essential for the user to complete each step.
Step One.
Step Two.
Step Three.
Set goals and key result for every levels
Prioritize the right work by connect each goal to the project and/or portfolio
Track progress and spot blockers in real time
Key Features
Create goal or OKR
set target
define team
plan timeline
choose who has access
describe the work
Link goal to the team
create sub-goals
connect project, portfolios, and task to the goal
share update and set status of progress
create dashboard to monitor
integrate data across tools
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Target Audiences

Who is your target user or target buyer? Sometimes they are the same, but sometimes (mostly in B2B), the person using the product can vary from the person who signs the contract for purchase.
User Personas
Project Manager
Product Manager
Sales Manager
Executive Account Manager

Buyer Personas
HR Director
Chief of Operating Officer

Key Indicators

Identifying how to measure success of your product is always a challenge.
Ultimate desired outcome: what’s the ultimate objective for your target user? (i.e: increase revenue, save time, improve efficiency)
Ultimate desired outcome: Track progress of each task assigned and quickly identify blockers in real time
Use Cases: Your use cases should be measurable value propositions that a user can benefit from in more than one way (aka use case).
Value Proposition #1: Track Progress Real Time
Employee Performance Indicator: Breakdown sub-goals, connect it to project/portfolios with measurement and target setting
Employee Performance Indicator: # of task completed per quarter
List your external key indicators/metrics that measure success for your use case
100% goal completed and measurable
100% goals can be breakdown with status per team
5x faster in generate quarterly report

Value Proposition #2: Capturing Collaboration Effectively
Employee Performance Indicator: Promote transparency across teams
Employee Performance Indicator: # of deals closed
List your external key indicators/metrics that measure success for your use case
100% users are inform about their goals and their team goals
100% attributes are defined to standardized goal setting across organization
60% related data connect automatically from different tools

Use Cases

This is a way to help you break down all the ways your core value propositions and provide sufficient context.
Track Progress Real Time
When being asked about team goal completion, I want to know the goal status per team so I can generate performance report and quickly resolve goal blocker/ risk that might happen
Capturing Collaboration Effectively
When the company have goals, I want to know how teams responsible to achieve those goals so I can measure the success in achieving those goals and take remediate action if something blocking the way.
Track Progress Real Time
List all the features that apply to this use case.
share update and set status of progress
Set and connet goals and sub-goals
Monitor dashboard
When [I have a pain point], I want [solution] so I can [achieve my customer performance indicator]
When being asked about team goal completion, I want to know the goal status per team so I can generate performance report and quickly resolve goal blocker/ risk that might happen
Pain Points
What are the current frustrations and pains your target user is currently experiencing?
Company goal aren’t measurable
There is no alignment between company goal with team goal
Performance report is hard to generate
Pain Relievers/Solutions
What are some technical solutions to alleviate your user’s pain?
Connect company goal with project or proposal, and sub-goals within teams
Set measurement and updating status real time for each goal/task
Create dashboard to monitor those status
Value Propositions
What is the value/gains the user can receive from your product's solutions?
Monitor risk and off track goals easier
Measurable and track-able goals
Easier performance report generation
Performance Indicators
What metrics can you use to measure the impact of your value propositions?
100% goal completed and measurable
100% goals can be breakdown with status per team
5x faster in generate quarterly report
Product Transformation
Whats the product vision for how your product helps your user achieve their ultimate goals?
Measuring KPI and generate performance report require meeting with each manager from various teams that takes too much time before using Asana goal management.

Company Differentiation

This is a spreadsheet to store all your methods of credibility, reliability and security. Keep your testimonials, case studies, compliance measures documented in one central place for your product.
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