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Validate Canvas Screens

Last edited 63 days ago by MyCondy

This functionality is only available in PRO version

more info about PRO version find
This PRO functionality is able to check your selected screen(s) if it(they) has(ve) unique names. Why is it important?
During using PAC CLI library in VS CODE, you should have unique names in your scree(s). It is mandatory prerequisite for exporting CANVAS app to your Power Apps solution. if your screen will have objects with the same name, then the export crashes with the error that this name is already used.
Screenshot 2024-07-14 at 14.16.48.png
Secondly, you should follow correct names, like name without white spaces or math operators:
Screenshot 2024-07-14 at 14.19.32.png
List of forbidden chars
white spaces
math operators = '-', '+' '/'

If your screen contains "combopcf, table, datepcf" prefixes the validation button will ignore all field names under this prefix. Like this:
Screenshot 2024-05-25 at 9.38.47.png
This feature could save you a lot of time when you design more screens.

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