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Export Canvas App

Last edited 1 day ago by MyCondy

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Before exporting, let me explain of how the exporting works. During importing from JSON or YAML source files you can see in Figma, that every object has special prefix, like: 'txt, lbl, btn etc.'
Thanks to these prefixes I can pair Power Apps like, fields, labels, forms, etc…

List of Supported Prefixes

Here is the list of the supported prefixes in Figma:
audio = Audio player
rect = Rectangle
txt = Text Input
lbl = Text Label
btn = Button
img, svg = Image
html = HTML Text
ci = Circle
tr = Triangle
st = 5-point, 6-point 8-point, 12-point Star
oc = Octagon
pe = Pentagon
combo = Combo Box
check = Check Box
list = List Box
radio = Radio
toggle = Toggle
picker = Date Picker
richtxt = Rich Text Editor
sl = Slider
ti = Timer
gall = Vertical Gallery
cont = Manual Layout Container
form = Edit Form
cal = Calendar component created in Power Apps
video = Video player
In PRO version you can use more prefixes:
horgall = Horizontal Gallery
horcont = Horizontal Auto Layout Container
vercont = Vertical Auto Layout Container
combopcf = Modern ComboBox PCF component
dropdownpcf = Modern Dropdown PCF component
datepcf = Modern DatePicker PCF component
radiopcf = Modern Radio PCF component
togglepcf = Modern Toggle PCF component
btnpcf = Modern Button PCF component
checkpcf = Modern Checkbox PCF component
calshort = Short version of Calendar component
slpcf = Modern Slider PCF component
table = Table PCF component
fluid = Scrollable Fluid Grid component
formpcf = Modern Form PCF component
popup = Composed Group component
gr = Group
barchart = Barchart Custom component
addmedia = Power Apps Component for adding picture
numpcf = Number Input PCF component
txtpcf = Modern Text Input PCF component
lblpcf = Modern Label PCF component
langbar = Custom Language Bar component
Thanks to these prefixes, DesignKit will generate YAML files compatible with Power Apps. If you use PRO version, you can generate Calendar component that will create combinations of Galleries in your Power Apps application, like this:
Short version of Calendar component looks like this:
Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 14.27.59.png
You only need to add "calshort" prefix for group component in Figma. Under the group prefixes are not needed. A Calendar component type is not included in Design Systems yet!!!
The next composed component is Popup. Layout of this component is not static. It is up to you how the content of your popup will look like. Only what is mandatory is to use prefix "popup" in your parent frame, like this:
Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 9.37.48.png
A Popup component type is not included in Design Systems yet!!!
More about components and Design Systems for PRO version you can read

If you use 'img' prefix with URL, then you should fill hidden Text Node called 'img_link 'in Figma. Please see the example below:
This example says that I use image with picture from web. Then, in "img_link" I put URL where the image is located. If I do this, DesignKit will recognise the link automatically and include it in exported YAML file.
How to use Table prefix
Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 14.35.23.png
Using table prefix is very simple. Create a table in Figma, wrap the whole tabel in Frame, and add "table" prefix in the frame name. DesignKit 2.5 will generate empty table code in YAML. After import to Power Apps you will select your input data table.
How to use Container prefixes

This functionality is only available in PRO version

more info about PRO version find
In Figma design screen you can use frames with auto layout or without. If you use a frame without auto layout, you should add cont or container prefix.
Screenshot 2024-06-01 at 10.54.48.png
The same step you will use for horizontal or vertical layouts, like this:
Screenshot 2024-06-01 at 10.58.43.png
Screenshot 2024-06-01 at 10.58.07.png
If you want to add add prefixes automatically, you can use "Add prefixes" button described

Export Circle as HTMLViewer object in Power Apps

This functionality is only available in PRO version

more info about PRO version find
The functionality ensures that your every Ellipse object in your Figma design will be exported as HTMLViewer object in Power Apps.
Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 14.35.04.png
The output will look like this:
Screenshot 2024-05-21 at 14.59.09.png
Export Shadow for HTML object

This functionality is only available in PRO version

more info about PRO version find
If you use Effects (Inner, Drop shadows) in Figma with HTML prefix, the property will be exported in YAML file.
On the left side you can see output in Power Apps, while on the right side is input from Figma file.
Screenshot 2024-05-23 at 9.51.59.png

Export to YAML



Font Size
Keep in mind that the plugin decreases font size by 5 pixels in Power Apps.
If you use font size - 20px in Figma then the label will have 15px in Power Apps.
The reason is that layout size in Power Apps is smaller than your size in Figma. This will ensure the better UI visualisation in Power Apps
Rectangle with round corners
If you want to use rectangle with round corner in Power Apps, please use HTML as prefix.
Example - replace "rect_a" by "html_a"
HTML object is able to read round corners or shadows in Power Apps

When your design is ready to be exported, you can select ready frame(s) and click on 'Export' button.

Screenshot 2024-07-14 at 9.05.45.png
The cool thing is, that if you follow prefixes what I mentioned upper, than you do not need any import. You can start design your app in Figma prom scratch. BUT, do not forget that every name of your object in Figma should not be the same!!!

Every name of your objects must be UNIQUE! The same for the situation, when you have 2 designed screens, like 'Dashboard,Search' screens. If you have 'lbl_title' in 2 different screens, PAC command will finish with error message 'Name of the field is used in another YAML file'. The reason is that Canvas Apps does not accept same names in Power Apps editor.

Packaging of the exported screens in VS code

If you exported all screens, you can open your VS code and put this command:
pac canvas pack --sources <path/folder_name> --msapp <path/app_name.msapp>
Like this example:
pac canvas pack --sources /Users/lukas/Downloads/ExportApp --msapp /Users/lukas/Downloads/ExportApp.msapp
The output MSAPP file could imported manually in editor, or you can use Pipelines in Azure DevOps. The process how to import MSAPP manually you can find here: .

Example of Export:


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