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Podcasts Studio
Podcasts Studio

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Using the Podcast Studio

Explore instructions for learning about our tool’s functionalities.

Introducing the tool

Podcast transcriptions are automatically generated by AI. The grey badge ‘Transcribed’ indicates that the text of the podcast has been automatically generated by AI.


The blue badge ‘Verified’ Indicates that a human has curated the AI transcript. Verified podcast transcripts appear on our webpage with a thumbnail of the show and summary of the episode.


The Editor

Jump anywhere with a click

Transcriptions are always synced by word. Just click on any paragraph of a podcast to listen from that point. You can also right-click on a specific word and listen from there.
Shortcut: ⌘ + click on the word (Mac) | CTRL + click on the word (Windows)

Tag speakers throughout the podcast

In most podcasts, there is a structured conversation between two or more people.
At the beginning of a podcast, hosts and guests usually introduce themselves.
Whether you already knew the speakers, or you just learned about them thanks to the AI transcription, you will always be able to tag them!
By searching their names among the options offered by the tool, you may find their profiles and select or add them as custom speakers (when there are no results available).

Speaker profile available

Schermata 2022-04-04 alle 15.45.46.png

Custom speaker

Schermata 2022-02-24 alle 16.31.49.png
Thanks to the "Apply to all similar blocks" functionality, the system will tag them automatically every time they speak in the podcast (if they speak more than once, of course).

What if you don't know who the speaker is?

If this happens, tag the speaker as "Generic" (for more information go to the )

How to perfect your contribution

The importance of capitalization

When speakers are not automatically capitalized you can select their name, right-click, and select "Capitalize"
Shortcut: ⌘ + Shift + X (Mac) | CTRL + Shift + X (Windows)

People as entities

After tagging the speakers, you can also tag their name in the text, click on the hashtag on the top right bar/right-click and select #, and tag them as entities.
In this way, people are not only speakers in our podcasts, but also subjects that can easily be searched by listeners. As usual, you can "Apply to all similar" and have this entity immediately tagged throughout the podcast.
Shortcut: ⌘ + E (Mac) | CTRL + E (Windows)


Select the type of entity you are looking for

If you have too many options you can also filter entities based on types. See below.

Substitute a word anywhere

If the AI has misspelled or wrongly recognized an entity, you can select that word, find a replacement, and substitute it.
To do so, highlight the word, click on the lens icon in the top left menu, and substitute it.
Shortcut: ⌘ + Shift + H (Mac) | CTRL + Shift + H (Windows)

Separate paragraphs, move sentences

Put the pointer where you'd like to split the paragraphs, and use the arrow icons on the top left to move sentences above or to separate them. The first letter of the first word will automatically be capitalized.
Shortcut: ⌘ + U

Shortcuts recap

You will find all shortcuts listed below, or you can also check them out directly on the bottom right of the tool while in Edit mode.

MAC Shortcuts

Play/Pause | Tab
Go back 3 seconds | Shift + Tab
Undo | ⌘ + Z
Redo | ⌘ + Shift + Z
Add tag | ⌘ + E
Remove tag | ⌘ + ⌥ + E
Add speaker | ⌘ + Shift + S
Merge with next paragraph | ⌘ + Shift + Down
Merge with previous paragraph | ⌘ + Shift + Up
Move to next paragraph | ⌘ + Shift + Right
Move to previous paragraph | ⌘ + Shift + Left
Split | ⌘ + U
Extract | ⌘ + B
Capitalize words | ⌘ + Shift + X
Find and Replace | ⌘ + Shift + H

Windows Shortcuts

Play/Pause | Tab
Go back 3 seconds | Shift + Tab
Undo | CTRL + Z
Redo | CTRL + Shift + Z
Add tag | CTRL + E
Remove tag | CTRL + ⌥ + E
Add speaker | CTRL + Shift + S
Merge with next paragraph | CTRL + Shift + Down
Merge with previous paragraph | CTRL + Shift + Up
Move to next paragraph | CTRL + Shift + Right
Move to previous paragraph | CTRL + Shift + Left
Split | CTRL + U
Extract | CTRL + B
Capitalize words | CTRL + Shift + X
Find and Replace | CTRL + Shift + H

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.