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Culture and Values


We're a technology company in the construction industry, not the other way around. That means that we might look, feel, and act differently than your typical construction industry player.
We're firmly planted in the startup mindset. We're here to identify problems and solve them. We're hustlers who work hard and enjoy the ride. We're sick of the remodeling status quo and are actively trying to replace it.
If something doesn't seem right, fix it. If something feels uncomfortable or uncool, speak up. Don't be afraid to voice your opinion and embrace your place as a contributor to our corporate culture. We're all here to build a great company and solve a big problem.
We believe that motivation is a limited, but renewable resource. We're happy to grind when necessary, but understand that without a healthy, sustainable work cadence, everyone eventually burns out. We encourage you to focus on your physical and mental well-being, and turn to your peers if there's anything they can do to provide support.
We need you to be audacious. We need you to take risks. We need you to try things you've never done before and bite off more than you can chew. We need you to be open-minded, progressive, and egalitarian. We need you to have a big heart, a thick skin, and a thin ego.
And above all else, we need you to believe in the work we're doing here. We're aspiring to change an industry that will impact millions of people each and every year in their most intimate spaces ー their offices and their homes.


We have several corporate values that speak to the core of who we are and what we believe in:
Do good work for a fair price.
We're not in the business of price-gouging or cutting corners on projects. Make sure we're doing right by our customers and their customers.
Be delightful.
There's no fun in being miserable, so try to make every human interaction an overwhelmingly positive one. Give each other the benefit of the doubt (and assume everyone is trying their best), look on the bright side, and make your best effort to spread joy in your daily life.
Empower each other.
People are motivated by progress, and progress is achieved at the confluence of support and opportunity. Empower each other by giving each other the space to take risks and try new things, and having the patience to coach through the inevitable road bumps.
ABC ー always be critical.
Be kind to each other, but aggressively critical of your and each others' ideas. We believe that the constructive confrontation of ideas yields both personal growth and better corporate outcomes. Welcome differing opinions, learn to stand your ground, and be open to changing your mind.
Speak up. Speak precisely.
Good ideas are worthy of an audience, so if you have some, make sure you share them with others. Keep in mind that good ideas are only useful if they're understood, so focus on refining and clarifying your communication.
Prioritize your physical and mental health.
You work to live, not the other way around. Take care of yourself and let your team, your manager, or Christian himself know if there's anything we can do to help.
Embrace change.
We're trying to refresh a multi-billion dollar industry. That means we're going to have to get creative and constantly try a lot of ideas that ultimately don't work. Have an innovator's spirit. Push the boundaries and welcome each failure that brings us one step closer to our goals.

Key Takeaways

Here are some additional thoughts to keep in mind:
Communicate openly and honestly. You'll be more effective when you're transparent.
Listen carefully, think, then respond. Make sure you understand what the other person is trying to say.
Be open to receiving and giving feedback.
Assume that everyone is trying their best, so give them the benefit of the doubt.

Also, you should always:
be up-front and honest
ask yourself "how can we make this process better?"
ask for help if you need it
be open to feedback
be prepared to offer feedback
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