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Email 1: Subject Line: Roas Edge

Custom field: {{product_they_are_selling}}

Hey {{firstname}} - I was shopping for {{product_they_are_selling}}and figured you are selling to {{ICP}}.
How are you thinking about increasing spending and lowering CPA simultaneously?
I am asking because our AI-powered platform did that for Sciriob and increased sales by 42 % and ROAS by 15 % in less than 14 days.
Can I share with you how you could do the same?
PS: I am reaching out because I saw that you are running ads on Meta. ————————————————————————————————————————————————
Hey {{firstname}} - Saw your work with {{casestudy}}.It made me curious as we also have some clients in {{niche}}.
Our AI platforms allow them to increase spending and lower CPA simultaneously, which lead to an increase in sales by 42% on average and ROAS by 15% I am curious to run numbers with similar client types. Would you be interested if we were running an optimization test for some of your campaigns? (on the house)

Email 2:

Custom field:

{{firstname}} - We are about to run a campaign for {{ICPv2}} in the {{niche}} and it reminded me to follow with you.
Some people on my team are working on massive optimizations for similar clients using our tech.
Could we run you through our findings for {{niche}}? **signature**
PS: If you don’t find it valuable, lunch is on me whenever I am in {{City}}.

Email 3:

Custom field:

{{firstname}} - Last email - I figured my two first emails didn’t do a good enough job of showing how we could help you. Think of it as translating your ad spend into a language that profits understand.
If we could optimize your Google and Meta ad spend to ensure a 15 % increase in ROAS in just four weeks, would you want to check this out?
PS: Happy to give you full optimization insights and data analysis of your accounts (on us).

AOV copywriting

Email 1:

Custom field:
{{average_price}} {{website_visitors}}

Hey {{first_name}} - I was doing some research and it looks like a typical order on your site might be around {{average_price}}
I ran some quick numbers and assuming you guys get an average of {{website_visitors}} visitors monthly - I'm sure we could help you generate {{estimated_return_range}} more in monthly revenue without adding any additional budget to your ad spend.
Could I send you some information about how we do it ?

Email 2:

Custom field:

{{first_name}} - We are about to run a campaign for {{ICP}} in the {{niche}} and it reminded me to follow with you.
Some people on my team are working on massive optimizations for similar clients using our tech.
Could we run you through our findings for {{niche}}? **signature**
PS: If you don’t find it valuable, lunch is on me whenever I am in {{city}}.

Email 3:

Custom field:

{{firstname}} - Last email - I figured my two first emails didn’t do a good enough job of showing how we could help you. Think of it as translating your ad spend into a language that profits understand.
If we could optimize your Google and Meta ad spend to ensure a 15 % increase in ROAS in just four weeks, would you want to check this out?
PS: Happy to give you full optimization insights and data analysis of your accounts (on us).

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