

An AI-powered Agile Transformation Platform​

ScaleSwift streamlines the entire agile transformation using AI, data integrity and automations to drastically increase the probability of success while reducing the cost of the entire transformation by up to 60%. ​​

Value Proposition Statement​

For organizations who are in the journey of lean and agile transformation​​

Who are dissatisfied with the pain of uncertainty, ambiguity, dependency and transparency in the typical transformation journey.​

Our solution is ScaleSwift, an AI-powered agile transformation platform that lets organizations take charge of their transformation.​​

By providing data integrity, automating all the redundant work, outcome focused AI assistance and ensuring engagement for everyone in the chain.​​

Unlike the current way of working in which most of the work handled is manual, error-prone and biased with a lack of transparency in the system and too much dependency on the coach.​

Areas of Focus

Market Opportunity

Cost (per user per month)​
No. of Companies (Up to 1000 Employees)​
No. of Companies (1000 – 5000 Employees)​
No. of Companies (5000+ Employees)​
Total number of people involved in an agile transformation​
2300000 (2.3M)​
There are no rows in this table

Total Addressable Market (TAM) - $690M

Why Now?

As per the Allied Market Research report, the agile transformation market in 2022 was $27.2B with a CAGR of 18.1% and is expected to be ​$142B by 2032.​

Because most of the market is following the manual way of working that is error-prone with a failure rate of more than 70% and the reason is collation and collaboration, a platform like ours can bring this number to 20% resulting in a market that is open for disruption.​​

After the introduction of AI, a lot of streams opened to solve transformation challenges and a lot of tools were built where each tool solves a minuscule problem complementing the existing ecosystems of ALM tools, but the market is not focusing of the collective impact solving these minuscule problems can bring​.​

MVP Feature List

Organization Set-up​
Inbuilt OKR – build, track and manage trans. objectives​
Building the Transformation Plan​
Select, Assign and Track Assessment​
Analytics and Dashboards​
Engagement/User Experience​

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