Change font for sub header to lato
Remove “.” after “we build stellar brands
Reduce spacing/padding between header and paragraph
Remove Button
Change text to read - see notes
Change background color to match the BG color of other section
Change font to match the other two cards
Add 15 - 30 px of padding between left and right side content
Remove hover color BG change to card.
Reduce size of card headers
Replace current headers with our names
Reduce size of “Modocosm” and “A digital marketing shop”
Add “” under all rights reserved.
Please have “rights” and “Info” right-aligned
Ensure paragraph text is consistent is sizing, color, and font throughout the website.
I like the font styling used for capabilities and team slices the best
The phone is too big
Reduce space btw img and text content in 50/50 split sections
Reduce space btw img and text content in team section
Fix Grided Content Glitch (random bolding)