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Edutech platform
Edutech platform (LMS)

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Development process

First of all, we need to understand the clear requirement in detail by clearing all doubts and questions.
After clearing all the doubts and complete understanding development will work as below


The designer will design the mobile and web app for the users
The designer will design the Admin app for the admin users
We need to verify the design with you. (Is it serving all the feature which has been listed in the document ?)


Based on the design Sameer Donga will design the architecture of the whole system
The back-end developer will design the database
Everything will get documented


The Back-end development will start first.
After completion of the data structure, API development will start
Once one module will get completed for the API. Mobile app development will start and parallel admin development will also get started to manage the data.
Once mobile app development will complete one module, responsive web app development will start.
Based on the requirements, Mobile is on highest priority so I would recommend starting web after completion of the Mobile app development
On each module completion, we will share the APK file and web app URL with you to test and validate.
We will conduct demo of the app with your team

Security and Methodology

API data payload will be encoded with a unique secret key
The video URL will be encoded with a user access key
Coding standards must be followed by the team
Code commenting will be added by the developers
QA will help to do security, Payment failure test
Locally stored data will be encrypted
Code should not be reversible


Developers always do functional testing
But, the rest of the testing part will be done by the tester(QA)
The developer will fix all the bugs, which has been found by the QA

Internal Release

Once everything is ready tested by QA. We will move things to the staging server. So, you guys can take a look at the newly implemented features after the last updates.
On your confirmation, it will start to prepare for release.
CI/CD will use to set up the Auto build system. So, you will have a clear track of all versions and updates


Once everything is ready to move, We will build a release candidate for Android and iOs and we will start to upload it to the app store and play store.
The website and Admin will get launched on their production servers

Maintenance :

We are offering 3 month’s free maintenance
During this maintenance, we will help you to fix the bugs in the existing system which has been reported by the user or someone else.
Minor changes we will do, like label replacement, color changes, etc
If there is any change request or new feature requirement come then we need to discuss the payment terms and we will continue after that.

Paid Maintenance cost(after three months of free maintenance):

30 hours/month → 500$
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