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Implement account scoring

The Framework

Step One: Define a Scoring Rubric

To create account tiers, start by defining a scoring rubric for the key attributes that are relevant to your business. These attributes could include industry, company size, revenue, and other relevant firmographic data. However, don't stop there. To make the rubric more effective, you should also include dynamic signals, such as a company's recent product launch, executive leadership changes, or a shift in focus. By combining static and dynamic signals, the scoring rubric can better identify accounts with a higher propensity to purchase your product or service.

Step Two: Map Actions and Messaging to Tiers

Once the accounts are scored and tiered, it's essential to map out the corresponding actions and messaging for each tier. For example, high-value accounts may require a more personalized approach, such as a phone call from a sales representative, whereas lower tier accounts may be better served with a targeted email campaign. Similarly, messaging should be tailored to each tier based on their specific pain points and business needs. By segmenting outreach efforts in this way, you can ensure that resources are allocated in the most efficient manner possible.

Step Three: Build Systems to Monitor for Shifts and Automate Actions

As businesses are constantly changing, it's important to keep an eye out for any shifts in your accounts that could impact your outreach efforts. By building systems to monitor for changes in account scoring, you can quickly adapt your approach and messaging. Additionally, by automating actions based on these shifts, such as sending a personalized email or scheduling a follow-up call, you can save time and ensure that outreach efforts are consistent and timely.

Takeaway & Action Item:

Creating account tiers is an effective way to prioritize outreach efforts and focus resources on accounts that are most likely to generate the highest return on investment.
By defining a scoring rubric that includes both firmographic and dynamic signals, mapping actions and messaging to tiers, and building systems to monitor for shifts and automate actions, you can ensure that your outreach efforts are targeted, efficient, and effective.
Action: Use this playbook to create your own account tiering system and optimize your outbound sales process.

The Workbook

ICP Workbook 3
Company Headcount
Industry (Choose one! eg: Biotech)
Example Company Linkedin Profile (Public URL)
Primary job to be done (eg: managing reservations)
Title(s) for Champion
Example Champion Linkedin (Public URL)
Title(s) for Exec Buyer
Example Exec Buyer Linkedin Profile (Public URL)
Column 12
Primary ICP
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