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Delivering an upfront contract

The Framework

Step 1: Gameplan what you want to accomplish on the call

Before the meeting, take some time to prepare and plan for the discussion. Think about what you want to achieve, what questions you want to ask, and what you need to know. Then, identify the key elements of the upfront contract, including the purpose, the other person's agenda and expectations, your agenda and expectations, time and logistics, and the outcome.

Step 2: Start the meeting with the upfront contract

When you meet with the other person, start the conversation by establishing an upfront contract. Use the ANOT acronym (Appreciate, Naturally, Obviously, and Typically) to make sure you cover all the key elements of the contract. This will help you create a comfortable environment and avoid any surprises during the discussion. Remember to be clear and concise, and make sure both parties are on the same page.
Example ANOT: “Appreciate that you have invited me to discuss the problem that we are trying to solve... Are we still good to have our meeting for the next 60-minutes?"
"Naturally you may want to ask me some questions. Feel free to do that and clarify things if something comes up in your mind. Is there anything else you would like to cover today?"
"Obviously I will also need to understand your company and business a bit better, as well as ask about your strategic objectives in this regard. Would that be OK for you...?" -
"Typically by the end of our meeting I understand well enough the following things... This will let us progress towards discussing the technicalities of our solution and set up a follow-up meeting that will help us build a solid proposal..."

Step 3: Wrap up by referencing the upfront contract

After you have discussed everything, confirm the upfront contract and the next steps. Make sure everyone understands what was discussed, what was agreed upon, and what the next steps are. This will help avoid any confusion or misunderstandings later on.


Remember, using an upfront contract is all about creating subconscious comfort and starting the conversation off on the right foot.
It will help you save time, energy, and money, and ensure that everyone is on the same page.
Practice using it in all your meetings, and soon it will become a habit that helps you achieve your goals more effectively.

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