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Building a discovery call deck

The Framework

Step One - Commit to a Discovery Call Flow

Before creating your discovery call deck, it's important to commit to a discovery call flow that will guide the conversation. The agenda for the call should reflect this flow and include three key topics. The first should be an open discussion on the state of the industry or the client's business. The second should focus on the struggles of similar companies. The final topic should explore potential areas of impact and next steps.

Step Two - Gather Insights for Top Pain Points

The bulk of your time during the discovery call should be spent on the second slide, where you showcase the insights you've gathered on the top pain points of the industry or the client's business. This slide should serve as a backdrop for the conversation, highlighting key challenges that your product or service can address. By discussing these pain points and asking questions, you can build rapport and establish yourself as a trusted advisor.

Step Three - Build Goals/Value into a Slide

The third slide of your discovery call deck should focus on the goals and value that your product or service can provide. This slide should provide an example of the potential impact you can have on the client's business, and how your solution can address the pain points discussed in the previous slide. By presenting a clear value proposition and tying it to the client's specific needs, you can demonstrate your expertise and build trust with your potential customer.


A well-constructed discovery call deck can help keep your calls focused and productive.
By following these three steps, you can create a compelling presentation that engages your potential customers and demonstrates the value of your product or service.
Remember to keep the focus on the customer's needs and concerns, and use your deck as a guide for a thought-provoking conversation.

Apply this Framework:
Below is a workbook

The Workbook

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