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Tactical Guides

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Building a bold position

The Framework

Step One: Identify the External Shift

The first step in this process is to identify the external shift that is causing existential change for most companies in your market. This could be a new technology, a change in consumer behavior, or a shift in industry regulations. Whatever it is, it needs to be significant enough that companies in your market can't afford to ignore it. By identifying this shift, you can begin to develop a POV that addresses the challenges and opportunities that come with it.

Step Two: Crystalize the Low Hanging Fruit

Once you've identified the external shift, the next step is to call out the low hanging fruit that can be addressed to mitigate the risk of the shift. This has to be something that you can impact directly. For example, if the shift is towards remote work, you could take a bold stance around the biggest threat to employee retention will be accommodating remote work. By addressing these pain points, you can differentiate yourself from the competition and show that you have a deep understanding of the market.

Step Three: Layer in Insights or Proof

The final step is to layer in insights or proof that drive urgency. This could be data that shows the impact of the shift on the market, case studies that demonstrate how your solution has helped other companies, or expert analysis that supports your POV. By providing this proof, you can build trust with potential customers and show that you have a deep understanding of the market.

Apply this Framework:

Below is workbook to map shifts in the market to potential impacts.
Use these component parts to elevate messaging in landing pages, decks and executive talk tracks.

The Workbook

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