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Final task Project-Based Internship - Michelle Angelica - Rakamin PM
Understanding The Market and User Needs

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Research Plan

Research Goal
Primary Goal: To validate the initial hypotheses and understand the specific challenges businesses face in the recruitment process.
Secondary Goals:
Identify gaps in current hiring tools and technologies.
Assess the demand for a new hiring platform among businesses.
Understand the key features and functionalities that businesses value in a hiring platform.

Information to gather:
Current recruitment challenges and pain points for businesses.
Limitations of existing hiring tools and technologies.
Desired features and functionalities in an ideal hiring platform.
Time and cost implications of the current hiring process.
Decision-making factors for adopting new recruitment tools.

Research Questions:
What are the main challenges businesses face in finding and evaluating candidates?
How do current hiring tools fall short of meeting business needs?
What features are businesses looking for in a hiring platform?
How much time and cost are typically involved in the current hiring process?
What factors influence businesses to adopt new recruitment technologies?

Initial Hypotheses:
Businesses struggle to efficiently find and evaluate qualified candidates.
Existing hiring tools are inadequate in meeting the specific needs of different businesses.
There is a significant demand for a platform that streamlines hiring, saves time, and reduces costs.

Research Participants
HR professionals and recruiters from various industries.
Decision-makers in businesses regarding recruitment tools.
Users of current hiring platforms (to understand pain points).
Experts in recruitment and human resources technology.

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