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Final task Project-Based Internship - Michelle Angelica - Rakamin PM
Product Solution

Rakamin RecruitEase

The Integrated Talent Acquisition Journey

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Created On
23 January 2024
Product Manager
Michelle Angelica Santoso
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Problem Alignment


In the rapidly evolving job market, businesses struggle with efficiently identifying and hiring qualified candidates. Our research and market analysis have highlighted the need for a more integrated, intuitive, and cost-effective hiring platform. Current solutions either lack essential functionalities, are not user-friendly, or fail to provide a seamless end-to-end recruitment experience.

Data Evidence

70% of HR managers report dissatisfaction with current ATS platforms.
Companies spend an average of 30 days to fill a position, indicating inefficiency in the hiring process.
There's a 60% increase in demand for platforms that offer both ATS and CRM functionalities.


HMW streamline the recruitment process to make it more efficient and less time-consuming?
HMW integrate advanced technologies like AI to enhance candidate screening without losing the human touch?
HMW provide a platform that offers a high-quality user experience to both recruiters and candidates?

Success Criteria

Qualitatively: Improved user satisfaction with the recruitment process, as evidenced by usability testing and feedback.
Quantitatively: Reduction in the average time to fill positions by at least 20% within six months of platform implementation.
Stakeholder Satisfaction: Achieve at least 85% satisfaction among users regarding the platform's ease of use and efficiency.
Engagement Increase: Achieve at least 80% active engagement (comments, ratings) from users within the first two weeks of platform launch.

Proposed Solution

The proposed solution is an integrated hiring platform that combines the efficiency of an ATS with the depth of a CRM. It will utilize AI and machine learning for intelligent candidate screening, while maintaining a user-friendly interface. Key components include automated candidate sourcing, customizable job posting templates, real-time analytics, and a collaborative dashboard for team decision-making.

User Stories

User Stories
Acceptance Criteria
As a recruiter, I want to quickly filter and sort candidates based on specific criteria to streamline the shortlisting process.
Recruiter sorts candidates for a specific job opening using customized filters.

Given the recruiter has opened the list of applicants for a particular job vacancy.
When the recruiter applies filters such as experience, skills, location, and education.
Then the system should display a sorted list of candidates that match the selected criteria.
The system must provide options to filter candidates by experience, skills, location, education, and other relevant criteria.
The filtered list must update in real-time as the recruiter selects or changes filters.
Recruiters should be able to save frequently used filter combinations for future use.
The system must ensure the accuracy and relevance of the filtered results.
As a hiring manager, I want to access detailed reports on recruitment metrics to make informed decisions and optimize the hiring process.
Hiring manager reviews recruitment analytics and reports.

Given the hiring manager is on the dashboard of the hiring platform.
When the hiring manager selects the analytics and reports section.
Then the system should display various recruitment metrics such as time-to-hire, cost-per-hire, candidate sources, and success rates.
The platform must provide comprehensive reports on key recruitment metrics like time-to-hire, cost-per-hire, etc.
Reports should be easy to understand, with visual representations like graphs and charts where applicable.
The hiring manager should have the option to customize reports based on specific data points.
The platform must ensure data security and confidentiality in the reporting tools.
As a candidate, I want to receive automated updates on my application status to stay informed throughout the recruitment process.
Candidate receives updates on their application status.

Given the candidate has applied for a job and is waiting for updates.
When there is a change in the status of their application (e.g., moved to the next stage, requires additional information, rejected).
Then the system should automatically send an update to the candidate via email or platform notification.
The system must automatically update candidates on their application status at each significant stage.
Updates should be clear, concise, and informative, providing the candidate with an understanding of the next steps or reasons for rejection.
The platform must ensure timely delivery of these updates.
Candidates should have the option to opt-in for additional communication or feedback requests.
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User Flow for a Recruiter

User Flow Rakamin.drawio.png

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