
Figma Assignment

Available Resources
Current Product (Single Page)
Video Playback
Mood Timeline
Participant Intros
Participant-wise Analysis
Next Steps
Pain points
Engagement + Disengagement

Description of the Prototype
Side Bar has/will have following options which can be navigated to:
Video Playback Page: Center Element is a video, separated by segments and scrollable transcript on the side
Meeting Analytics Page: Meeting Details Widget, Overall Participant Insights Widget, Notes Widget
Participant Analytics Page: Key Questions Widget, Mood Timeline Widget, Engagement/Disengagement Widget Objections/Painpoints/NextSteps Widget
Miscellaneous Pages
Task Description
Convert the given Single Page Dashboard into the Multi-Page Dashboard. We have added one of our prototype templates so you don’t have to think through or make things from scratch for the purpose of this assignment.
Evaluation Points:
Interaction Design: Clicking what leads to the next next page or widget the most intuitively (It can be the sidebar/photos/names/some text or something else also).
User Research: Effectively can you capture the given customer discovery call (current dashboard) in the prototype.
User Experience: Change or add a new widget in the existing prototype (a sample list of things that can be attempted on two of the pages is given below, would really like for you to come up with some of your own too). Feel free to make any other design as needed.

Sample extra things that can be attempted in the Prototype:
This is the meeting insights page
Screen Shot 2021-03-24 at 4.40.02 PM.png
Remove the search bar on top
Fix the box and text alignments
In Next Steps widget, on hovering over any sentence, it should be bolded/highlighted
In how your stakeholders engaged with you widget, each participant photo and text is clickable and leads to Participant Insights page

This is the participant insights page
Screen Shot 2021-03-24 at 4.47.22 PM.png
In first box, the allow user to change the extent of highlighted area on the bar and correspondingly update the number on side
In Engagement timeline widget, currently you can always see the text box, change this so that only when you click the grey button the text box shows up
Make Objection and Conversation widget should be scrollable
Add a widget where the user can take his/her notes

Just a little tip, we do pay a lot of attention to the small details in design so be careful with those.

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