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TTD Reporting

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How to pull a report

1. Click on one of the report icons to get started:


2. A window will open up of all that is included in the report:

Option to filter by: Partner, Advertiser, Campaign, or Ad Group
Select date range
The email associated with your TTD login will populate in the “Email this Report” section. Option to add any additional emails (teammates, clients, etc.)
Option to make this report a recurring report by clicking into the drop down titled “Recurring Scheduling”
Recurring reports can be sent at a daily or weekly cadence
The name of the report will also populate, with the option to edit the name by clicking into the textbox

3. Review Report Content:

When you open the “Review Report Content” dropdown, a menu of what is included in the report will appear.
At the top, the different tabs represent different tabs in excel once the report is downloaded
You have the option to rename the tab
You can also see the type of data available in the report. Some of our reporting templates are available for a lifetime lookback window while others are only available for a 100 day lookback
“Add Fields” & “Add Metrics”
Fields = reporting grains that are categorized by a name (ex: campaign name, ad group name)
Metrics = reporting grains that are categorized by a number and a calculation can be pulled from it (ex: bids, CPM)
Customizing Fields & Metrics
although these fields and metrics are selected for each reporting template, you can still add or remove any that you see fit
hover over a line and you’ll see the option to remove the grain
the “Yes” and “No” toggle represents whether that cut of data will appear in the pivot table once the report is downloaded
Yes = that cut of data is included in the raw data tab and the pivot table
No = that cut of data is only included in the raw data tab. You have to manually add it into the pivot
You can rename any of Fields and Metrics to a name of your choosing by clicking into the textbox
Lastly, you can add in any Fields or Metrics by clicking the “+Fields” or “+Metrics” buttons and browsing the menu of options
“Add Conversions”
The conversions section corresponds to whatever reporting and attribution you associated to your campaign.
If nothing is added within the reporting and attribution section, then the Conversions section will appear blank when the report is downloaded

4. Run or save your report:

Once you’ve edited your report the way you want it, click “Run” to run a one-time report
If this is a report that you want to run again in the future, click “Save As” to save the report as a Template
You’ll be able to access your personally created template under “Mine” at the top of the MyReports library
Click cancel if you no longer want to run the report

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