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GoVenture Digital Marketing | Progress Update

Update December 2022

The new program is now live and available at

Update July 6, 2022

Learning Objective

To introduce students to the various elements of digital marketing by walking them through all the steps of building a digital marketing funnel for a (fictitious) new product that will be sold online.
The learning focuses on introductory concepts and high-level marketing strategy. The training does not have student design ads or do tactics that are specific to any particular social media platform or other online app. There are many other content resources that can be used to serve that purpose. This GoVenture program is intended to bring all the concepts together in a way that conventional learning resources cannot do effectively.

Narrative Style

The simulation uses a narrative (story) style where the student is in the role of an inventor who is about to market and sell a new product.
Through this storytelling approach, the student is guided by a virtual coach and two virtual service providers who build out the digital marketing funnel.

Marketing Funnel

Students run the digital marketing funnel in simulated weeks to follow their sales results and other key marketing metrics. They can invest part of their budget to optimize each module in the funnel.
Students monitor success through various business and marketing metrics.
Digital Marketing Funnel 2022-06-171.png
Ditial Marketing Sim Funnel Flow 2022-07-04_11-39-08.gif

Video Tutorials

20 whiteboard-style videos explain key topics— see topic list below.
Each video is about 3 minutes long and followed by a reflection slide and a multiple-choice quiz.
Students must get all quiz quizzes correct in order to continue. They have unlimited attempts to get the correct answer, but the quiz is linked to their marketing budget, so the fewer attempts made the more money they will have to spend on marketing.
Consumer Profiles
Shopping Online
Revenue & Profit
Social Media Organic
Social Media Paid
Search Organic
Search Paid
Landing Page
Order Options
Affiliate Marketing


Student assessment is fully automated and is scored based on quiz results from watching the videos and sales results from the simulation. This assures that students are graded on both participation and performance.

Time and Materials

Includes a glossary with over 100 digital marketing terms defined.
We are considering adding some mini games to support the glossary.
We will likely include a PDF book of all the content for easy reference.
The training is estimated to be 4 to 5 hours but we recommend that it be played twice for up to 10 hours of curriculum time (or more).

We hope to have this new product in beta by September and available for purchase by late September or early October.

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