
icon picker
Super Auto Planner

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Select Type:

Select Ability Activation:

Select Pack:

Colored for Type: Boost | Summon | Damage | Shop | Gold | Other

Activates on: Faint
Type: Boost Friend
Give a random friend +2-6✊ and +1-3❤️
Activates on: Sell
Type: Boost Friend
Give two random friends +1-3❤️
Activates on: Level-Up
Type: Boost Friend
Give all friends +1-2✊ and +1-2❤️
Level 3 has no effect
Activates on: Friend Summoned
Type: Boost Friend
Give summoned friend +1-3✊ until the end of battle.
Activates on: Buy
Type: Boost Friend
Give 1-3 random friends +1✊ and +1❤️
Activates on: Eats Shop Food
Type: Boost Friend
Give leftmost shop pet +1-3❤️
Activates on: End Turn
Type: Boost Friend
Give a random friend +1-3✊
Activates on: Sell
Type: Boost Friend
Give leftmost shop pet +2-6❤️
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Boost Friend
Give +2-6✊ and +1-3❤️ to random strawberry friend
Activates on: Sell
Type: Boost Friend
Give +1-3✊ and +2-6❤️ to random strawberry friend
Activates on: Upgrade Shop Tier
Type: Boost Friend
Give the two pets behind +1-3❤️
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Boost Friend
Give front-most friend +3-9✊
Activates on: Buy Shop Food
Type: Boost Self
Gain +1-3✊ and +1-3❤️ until the end of battle
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Boost Self
Gain +1-3✊ and +1-3❤️ per frient with a Faint ability
Activates on: Sell
Type: Boost Shop
Give shop pets +1-3❤️
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Damage Enemy
Deal 1 damage to 1-3 random enemies
Activates on: Enemy Pushed, Enemy Hurt
Type: Damage Enemy
Deal 1-3 damage to damaged or moved enemy
Activates on: Sell
Type: Gold
Gain an extra 1-3 gold
Activates on: Sell, End Turn, Start of Battle
Type: Other
Swap stats of the two adjecent friends
Lv. 1 activates on start of battle Lv. 2 activates on sell Lv. 3 activates on end of turn
Activates on: Start of Turn
Type: Other, Boost Self
Set attack to 2-6
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Push Enemy
Push the last enemy 1-3 spaces forward
Activates on: Sell
Type: Shop Item
Replace shop food with 1-3 apples that give +1✊ and +1❤️
Activates on: Sell
Type: Shop Item
Roll shop
Activates on: Faint
Type: Summon
Summon a 1-3/1-3 cricket
Activates on: Sell
Type: Summon
Summon 1-3 Loyal Chinchillas
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Boost Friend
Give 50-150% of Dodo's attack to friend ahead
Activates on: Before Faint
Type: Boost Friend
Give the two friends behind +1-3✊ and +1-3❤️
Activates on: Friend Sold
Type: Boost Friend
Give a random friend +1-3❤️
Activates on: Eats Shop Food
Type: Boost Friend
Give all friends +1-3✊ until the end of the battle
Activates on: Faint
Type: Boost Friend
Give two random strawberry friends +2-6✊ and +1-3❤️
Activates on: Friend Hurt
Type: Boost Friend
Give hurt friend +1-3✊ and +1-3❤️. Works 1 time per turn
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Boost Friend
Give 50-150% of Dodo's attack and health to friend ahead, then faint
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Boost Friend
Give friend ahead +1-3 experience
Activates on: Buy
Type: Boost Friend
Give a random friend with a Hurt ability +2-6❤️
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Boost Self
Copy 50-150% health from most healthy friend
Activates on: Hurt
Type: Boost Self
Gain +4-12✊
Activates on: Any Level Up
Type: Boost Self
Gain +1-3✊ and +1-3❤️
Activates on: Buy Friend
Type: Boost Self
If bought friend has a Start of Battle ability, gain +2-6✊
Activates on: End Turn
Type: Boost Self, Damage Friend
Deal 1 damage to itself and gain +1-3✊
Activates on: Start of Turn
Type: Boost Shop
Give shop pets +1-3✊ and +1-3❤️
Activates on: Start of Turn
Type: Boost Shop
Discount the 2 left-most shop pets by 1-3 gold
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Damage Enemy
Deal 2-6 damage to a random enemy. Multiply damage for each strawberry friend.
Activates on: Before Attack
Type: Damage Friend
Deal 1 damange to the friend behind. Repeat X times.
Activates on: Faint
Type: Damage Friend, Damage Enemy
Deal 2-6 damage to all
Activates on: Before Faint
Type: Give food, Boost Friend
Give Toucan's held food to 1-3 friends behind
Activates on: Start of Turn
Type: Gold
Gain 1-3 gold
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Make enemy weak
Make 1-3 enemies weak
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Other
Copy Faint ability as Level 1-3 from highest tier enemy
Activates on: Before Attack
Type: Other, Give food
Steal held food of enemy ahead. Works 1-3 times per turn
Activates on: Faint
Type: Other, Summon
Summon 1-3 1/1 Dirty Rats up front for the opponent
Activates on: Faint
Type: Summon
Summon a level 1-3 tier 3 pet as a 2/2
Activates on: Buy
Type: Summon
Summon a 1-3/1-3 Guinea Pig
Activates on: Faint
Type: Summon
Summon a level 1-3 pet from your previous shop tier
Activates on: Hurt
Type: Boost Friend
Give friend behind +2-6✊ and +2-6❤️
Activates on: End Turn
Type: Boost Friend
Give 1-3 friends ahead +1✊ and +1❤️
Activates on: Pet Eats Shop Food
Type: Boost Friend
Give eating pet +1-3❤️
Activates on: Buy
Type: Boost Friend
Give all friends +1-3✊ and +1-3❤️
IF you lost last battle
Activates on: Faint
Type: Boost Friend
Give 1-3 friends behind melon
Activates on: End Turn, Start of Turn
Type: Boost Friend
Give friend ahead +5✊ and +5❤️ until end of battle (1) OR +2✊ and +2❤️ (2) OR +1 experience (3)
Activates on: Sell
Type: Boost Friend
Give a random friend +2-6✊ and +2-6❤️
Activates on: End Turn
Type: Boost Friend
Give adjacent friends +1-3❤️
Activates on: Before Faint
Type: Boost Friend
Give friend behind +2-6✊ and +2-6❤️ and +1 experience
Activates on: Any Level Up
Type: Boost Friend
Give leveling up friend +2-6✊ and +2-6❤️
Activates on: Friend Sold
Type: Boost Friend
If sold friend has a Sell ability, give +1-3✊ and +1-3❤️ to a random friend
Activates on: Friend Summoned
Type: Boost Self
Gain +1-3✊ or +1-3❤️
Activates on: Friend Ahead Attacks
Type: Boost Self
Gain +2-6✊ or +2-6❤️
Activates on: End Turn
Type: Boost Self
Gain +2-6✊ and +2-6❤️
IF you have 2 or more gold
Activates on: End Turn
Type: Boost Self
Gain +1✊ and +1❤️ for each friendly strawberry pet up to 1-3
Activates on: Roll
Type: Boost Self
Gain +1-3✊ and +1-3❤️ until the end of the battle. Works 5 times
Activates on: Enemy Summoned
Type: Boost Self
Gain +2-6✊ and +3-9❤️
Activates on: Upgrade Shop Tier
Type: Boost Self
Gain 50-150% more attack
Activates on: Friend Ahead Faints
Type: Boost Self, Give food
Gain melon and +1-3✊
Activates on: Roll
Type: Boost Shop
Give unfrozen shop pets +2-6✊ and +1-3❤️
Activates on: Sell
Type: Boost Shop
Give 50-150% of attack and health to the left-most shop pet
Activates on: Hurt
Type: Damage Enemy
Deal 2-6 damage to a random enemy
Activates on: Before Faint
Type: Damage Enemy, Damage Friend
Deal 50-150% of attack to adjacent pets
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Damage Enemy, Damage Friend
Deal 1 damage to the two pets ahead. Repeats 1-3 times
Activates on: End Turn
Type: Damage Friend, Boost Self
Deal 1 damage to the friend ahead and gain +1-3❤️
Activates on: Before Faint
Type: Give food
Give honey to all pets that are 1-3 spaces away
Activates on: Enemy Hurt
Type: Make enemy weak
Make hurt enemy weak. Works 2-6 times per turn
Activates on: Other, Start of Battle
Type: Other, Boost Self
Gain +1 experience
At Level 3, evolve into butterfly then copy stats of strongest friend
Activates on: Friend Summoned
Type: Other, Give food
Copy held food to itself. Works 1-3 times per turn
Activates on: Faint
Type: Summon
Summon 2 2-6/2-6 rams
Activates on: End Turn
Type: Boost Friend
Give other level 2 and 3 friends +1-3✊ and +1-3❤️
Activates on: Friend Summoned
Type: Boost Friend
Give summoned friend +2-6✊ and +3-9❤️
IF friend is summoned outside of battle
Activates on: End Turn
Type: Boost Friend
Give the lowest health pet +3-9❤️
Activates on: Faint, Hurt
Type: Boost Friend
Give all friends +1-3❤️
Activates on: End Turn
Type: Boost Friend
Give +1-3✊ and +1-3❤️ to one pet of each level
Activates on: Other, Pet Eats Shop Food
Type: Boost Friend
Give all friends +1-3✊ and +1-3❤️
Activates on: Buy
Type: Boost Friend
Give adjacent friends +1-3✊ and +1-3❤️
Activates on: End Turn
Type: Boost Self
Gain +2-6✊ and +2-6❤️
IF there is at least one Level 3 friend
Activates on: Knock Out
Type: Boost Self
Gain +3-9✊ and +3-9❤️
Activates on: Eats Shop Food
Type: Boost Self
Gain +1-3✊ and +1-3❤️
Activates on: Buy Friend
Type: Boost Self
Gain +1-3✊ and +1-3❤️. Works 3 times per turn
Activates on: End Turn
Type: Boost Self
Gain +2-6✊ and +2-6❤️
IF you have 4 or less pets
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Boost Self
Gain 50-150% bonus health
Activates on: End Turn, Start of Battle
Type: Boost Self
Give a random strawberry friend +2-6✊ and +1-3❤️
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Damage Enemy
Deal 5-15 damage to lowest health enemy
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Damage Enemy
Reduce the highest health enemy by 33-99%
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Damage Enemy
Deal 7-21 health to the opposite enemy
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Damage Enemy
Deal damage to 1-3 random enemies equal to the sum of all friendly levels
Activates on: Hurt
Type: Damage Enemy
Deal 5-15 damage back to enemy that hurt Porcupine
Activates on: Start of Turn
Type: Damage Friend, Boost Self
Knock out adjacent friends and gain +2-6✊ and +2-6❤️
Activates on: Roll
Type: Gold
Gain 1 gold. Works 2-6 times per turn
Activates on: End Turn
Type: Other
Copy ability from pet ahead as Level 1-3 until end of battle
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Other, Damage Friend
Swallow friend ahead and release it as Level 1-3 after fainting
Activates on: Faint
Type: Other, Make enemy weak
Make all pets weak
Activates on: Friend Faints
Type: Push Enemy
Push last enemy to the front. Works 1-3 times per turn
Activates on: Start of Turn
Type: Shop Item
Add 1 shop food and discount them by 1-3 gold
Activates on: Sell
Type: Shop Item
Replace shop food with 1-3 chocolate that give +1 experience
Activates on: Faint
Type: Summon
Summon a 5-15/5-15 bus with Splash Attack
Activates on: Faint
Type: Summon
Summon 1-3 chicks with 1❤️ and half the attack of this
Activates on: Faint
Type: Summon
Summon 2 Level 1-3 Ants
Activates on: Sell
Type: Summon
Summon a Level 1-3 Duck and Beaver
Activates on: End Turn
Type: Boost Friend
Give right-most friend +2-6✊ and +3-9❤️
Activates on: Eats Shop Food
Type: Boost Friend
Give two random friends +1-3✊ and +1-3❤️
Activates on: Friend Summoned
Type: Boost Friend
Give summoned friend +3-9✊ and +3-9❤️
Activates on: End Turn
Type: Boost Friend
Give +1-3✊ and +1-3❤️ to a tier 2, 3, 4, and 6 friend
Activates on: End Turn
Type: Boost Friend
Give strawberry friends +1-3✊ and +2-6❤️
Activates on: End Turn
Type: Boost Friend
Give friend with no held food +1-3✊ and +1-3❤️
Activates on: Hurt
Type: Boost Friend
Give a random friend +3-9✊ and +3-9❤️
Activates on: Sell, Buy
Type: Boost Friend
Give a random friend +2-6✊ and +2-6❤️
Activates on: End Turn
Type: Boost Friend
Give +1✊ and +1❤️ to 1-3 pets behind. Multiply buff with the lowest shop pet tier
Activates on: Friend Faints
Type: Boost Self
Gain +2-6✊ and +2-6❤️
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Boost Self
Gain +50-150% Health and Attack
IF this is your highest tier pet
Activates on: Other, Buy
Type: Boost Shop
Give current and future shop pets +1-3✊ and +1-3❤️
Activates on: Start of Turn
Type: Boost Shop
Give a random frozen shop pet +3-9✊ and +3-9❤️
Activates on: End Turn
Type: Boost Shop
Give current and future shop pets +2-6✊ and +2-6❤️
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Damage Enemy
Deal 8 damage to the last enemy. Repeats 1-3 times
Activates on: Knock Out
Type: Damage Enemy
Deal 4-12 damage to the first enemy. Double against tier 1 pets
Activates on: Friend Faints
Type: Damage Enemy
Deal 2-6 damage to a random enemy
Activates on: Buy Friend
Type: Gold
Gain 1-3 gold. Works 2 times per turn
Activates on: Before Friend Attacks
Type: Make enemy weak
Make the enemy target weak. Works 1-3 times per turn
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Other
Swap Attack and Health of all pets OR Swap positions of all pets OR Swap Attack, Health, and positions of all pets
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Other, Damage Enemy, Damage Friend
Deal 100-300% Attack to the healthiest enemy and itself
Activates on: Summoned
Type: Other, Give food
Gain peanuts
Activates on: Buy
Type: Shop Item
Replace food shop with 2 free milk that give +1-3✊ and +2-6❤️
Activates on: End Turn
Type: Shop Item
Steal a random shop food. Health and Attack effects are multiplied by 1-3
Activates on: Faint
Type: Summon
Summon one Level 1-3 tier 6 pet
Activates on: Other, Buy
Type: Boost Friend
Give friends +1-3✊ and +1-3❤️
Activates on: Faint
Type: Boost Friend
Give all friends +2-6✊ and +2-6❤️
Activates on: End Turn
Type: Boost Friend
Give friends +2-6✊ and +1-3❤️
IF you have 3 or more gold
Activates on: Hurt, Faint
Type: Boost Friend
Give friends +2-6✊
Activates on: Friend Faints
Type: Boost Friend
Give a random friend +3-9✊ and +2-6❤️
Activates on: End Turn
Type: Boost Friend
Give friend ahead +1-3✊ and +1-3❤️ until end of turn. Multiply buff with turn number
Activates on: Friend Summoned
Type: Boost Friend
Give summoned friend +1-3 experience. Works 2 times per turn
EXCEPT other Alpacas
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Boost Friend
Make 1-3 friends behind Level 3
EXCEPT other White Tigers
Activates on: Before Attack
Type: Boost Self
Gain +4-12✊ and +2-6❤️
Activates on: End Turn
Type: Boost Self
Gain +1-3✊ and +1-3❤️ for each tier 5 or 6 pet in the shop
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Damage Enemy
Deal 50% damage to 1-3 random enemies
Activates on: Friend Ahead Attacks
Type: Damage Enemy
Deal 5-15 damage to random enemy
Activates on: Before Attack
Type: Damage Enemy
Deal 2-6 damage to 2 random enemies
Activates on: Hurt
Type: Give food
Gain Coconut. Works 1-3 times per turn
Activates on: Before Attack
Type: Give food
Gain Melon. Works 1-3 times per turn
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Give food
Give coconut to 1-3 random strawberry friends
Activates on: Faint
Type: Give food
Give 3 random friends peanuts
Activates on: Buy Shop Food
Type: Gold
Gain 1-3 gold. Works 3 times per turn
Activates on: Start of Battle
Type: Gold
Gain 3-9 gold
IF there is at least one Level 3 friend
Activates on: Other
Type: Other, Boost Friend
The friend ahead repeats their ability as if they were Level 1-3
Activates on: End Turn
Type: Other, Boost Friend
Give friends ahead +1-3✊ and +1-3❤️, then shuffle their positions
Activates on: Other
Type: Other, Shop Item
Food with Health and Attack benefits are multiplied by 2-4
Activates on: Friend Faints
Type: Summon
Summon a 4-12/4-12 Fly. Works 3 times per turn
Activates on: Faint
Type: Summon
Summon 1-3 random pets with Faint abilities from any pack
Activates on: Hurt
Type: Summon
Summon random tier 1 pet as a 8-24/8-24
Activates on: Faint
Type: Summon
Summon a Level 1-3 copy of a random friendly pet.
EXCEPT other Tapirs

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