
Email addresses

Internal Transparency for your organization

<internal-transparency@[your domain name]>
This is a Google Group that some people (ex.: board members, executives, oversight people, funders) can have access to. People in your organization should default to ccing that email address, but if for any reason they don’t want to for a given email, that’s okay.
If there's an email with sensitive information (such as a bank account password), don’t cc that email address (but also, emails are not the best way to share passwords in the first place). If there’s an email to a client you think would prefer privacy, do not cc that email address either.
The purpose of that email address is to a) be very transparent about what’s happening, but b) without overwhelming people with emails they don’t need to read.
Note: This email address is often cced, so don’t forget to reply-all instead of just reply. To make reply-all your default, check out: .


<finance@[your domain name]>
This is a Google Group. By default, all finance related emails should cc this group.
The goal is to provide transparency on finances, especially for the relevant employees (accountants, chief financial officer, etc.), executives (CEO, etc.), oversight people, and funders.


<operations@[your domain name]>
This is a Google Group used to sign up on websites and receive documentation, as well as cc on any emails that could be useful for future people working for the operations of the organization. This email address is primarily used a COO or office manager.


<admin@[your domain name]>
This is a Google Group. It is solely used to create new accounts on various websites, and very few people have access to that Google Group, but more people have access to the login info for the various websites through a password manager such as Bitwarden. The reason to work that way is to both allow multiple people to have access to our accounts without allowing them to change the email addresses or passwords associated with them.
If few people have access to operations@[your domain name], then this Google Group might be redundant.
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