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Onboarding Guide

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Before Your First Day

In this section you'll find information around what to prepare before your first day. We'll cover things such as forms to fill out, documents to bring in, and other relevant information!

Activate your new email address 📧

By activating your new email, we can go ahead and get your digital company profile equipped to join all our internal tools. If you have any trouble with activating the account, please don't hesitate to reach out to Omar.

Prepare a copy of your passport 📜

Please be sure to send a copy of your passport on your first day to Marwa (via Slack or email) so the team can get your employment verification rolling. If you don't have a passport, please connect with Marwa on other documents you can bring instead.

Locate your office 🏢

We encourage and practice agility at work, and for that, we promote a hybrid-culture.
Please take a minute to revise our different to locate the one that you’ll be working from. Our main offices are located in Lebanon, Syria, and Saudi Arabia.
Offices in 120+ countries! 🌎
Our Beirut office is rented with , an international serviced-offices provider.
A great perk about Regus is that it gives us access to their offices globally.
To check if you can benefit from using Regus in your country, please follow the below steps:
Search if Regus has an office near you by looking your country up on the company’s ““.
Call your local Regus during their regular working days/hours.
Inform them that the company you’re working at (AlGooru) has an office with Regus, and that you’d like to use the “Business Lounge” at your local Regus.
Provide them with the account number shared below, and ask them to confirm your access to the space.

Regus account number: 11386149

Record our hours 🕘

While we don't have formal working hours, in general, folks roll in around 9am and out around 6pm. Feel free to chat with either Marwa or your lead if you have any questions around your schedule.
Oh, and since we reside in different countries, it would be helpful to note the different time zones for each office.
Saudi Arabia
Sao Paulo
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Prepare your Mashup intro 🗣

We want to get to know you better! It's a tradition we follow at AlGooru, asking every new talent joining us to give a short 5 minute presentation on their background, passions, and working style at the beginning of the first weekly meeting they attend (which we usually refer to as the Monday Mashup).
Your presentation doesn't need to be too long (most folks clock in at about 3-4mins). This is meant to be informative, but not too serious, so feel free to have some fun with the presentation! We'll kick off your presentation on your first day so the team can learn more about you! 😺

👉 We hope you’re finding this exciting! Let’s tell you more about how feels like at AlGooru!

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