Web Stories

Edit Web Story

The procedure below shows you how to edit clips in your web story.
From the top navigation pane, choose Videos.
Browse through the available videos and select the one you wish to create web story.
Click +Stories.
Choose your clip and a new window will open with your selected clips.
Click Edit.
Fill the information provided below and Click Generate button to proceed.
Title of your Web Story
Template Title
Webstory Redirect link
Name of the Publisher
Publisher Logo URL
URL of the Publisher logo
Publisher Logo URL
URL of the Publisher logo
Portrait Poster URL
Portrait Poster (vertical image) URL
Favicon URL
Number of Pages
Number of pages of Web Stories
Pages Order
In order of creation of Web Stories, New to Old or Old to New.
Choose your preferred storage
Short description about the web story
Thumbnail URL
URL of the Thumbnail
Site Name
There are no rows in this table

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