
TOKEN 2049 Dubai, April 18-19 2024

Email body

Hi Mark,

Thanks for submitting your media partnership application for TOKEN2049 Dubai 2024. We would just like to make you aware of the parameters of a media partnership with TOKEN2049 Dubai before we fully assess your application.
If accepted, a media partnership with TOKEN2040 Dubai entails the following:
Media partner receives:
Media Passes: We would be happy to allocate two media passes, strictly for editorial team members. More information regarding pass registration and access to media facilities will be sent closer to the conference date itself.
Branding: The media partner's logo will also be featured on TOKEN2049 Dubai’s website as a 'Media Partner', linking back to their website.

In return, TOKEN2049 Dubai would expect the following:
Amplification: The event should be marketed on the media partner's event calendar (if applicable) or website, including a banner placement on their website and mentioned on social media. (adding the event to the website calendar}
Publicity: The media partner is to also publish all TOKEN2049 Dubai press releases sent by the Wachsman team in the lead-up to the conference. (This would include the GeN3 Website and newsletter subscribers of 25,000 subscribers)
Acknowledgement: The media partner is to share all published coverage in the lead-up to, during and after the conference. (before, during and after editorial calendar)
Attendance: The media partner is to send at least one member of the editorial staff to cover TOKEN2049 Dubai (at the outlet’s own expense) with the added commitment of producing at least one on-site piece of coverage about the conference. (We can conduct onsite interviews to publish including an interview about the event with TBD)
*Additional: print copies for gift bags? We provided for TOKEN 2049 Singapore)
*GeN3 Website will be live late January.
Next GeN3 print issue will be February
As Gen3 Magazine is a print publication, we would like to check in and see what you would be able to provide in lieu of the online publication of each of our press releases. Could you also give us an idea of your print calendar for Gen3 for the coming months? (The next GeN3 print issue is February include a free Advertisement that can be scan to buy tickets or what is prefer. the following issue will be April and depending on timing we can also comp a 2 page spread advertisement or sponsored content.
May I suggest sharing each press release in your weekly newsletter/substack (as they are public) in the lead-up to the event and also providing a feature, double-page spread on TOKEN2049 Dubai to be published in your print magazine before the event highlighting the featured speakers and discussion topics, and after the event on key takeaways, given the limited audience of the newsletter/substack? Open to hearing your thoughts on best approach here.
Yes, the ideal way to send the press releases is through out news letter. We are also starting to publish on Substack and of course the website will be live late January.
Let me know if you've any other questions.

Thank you.

Lauren Fetherston
PH: 0872870704

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