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CA Academy of Sciences Field Trip
Our field trip is on Friday, February 17th 9:00 AM-2:15 PM.
Permission slips: These will go out in homework folders. Please return permission slips no later than Monday, January 30th.
School lunch: If you would like to order your child a school sack lunch for the field trip, please indicate your request at the bottom of the permission slip. There is information on the back of the permission slip as to how to cancel your student’s existing regular school lunch.
Field Trip Chaperones: We will need 6 parent chaperones for this field trip. Chaperones will ride the bus with us, and lead a group of 4-5 students while in the Academy. To chaperone this field trip, parents must have their level 2 clearance paperwork approved by the district. The office and I will be checking our chaperone lists before the field trip- please find more information on how to chaperone
. I will be posting the chaperone sign up sheet on our .

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