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Playbook Club

What are Playbooks and Why are we doing them?

Playbooks are a short, instructional document that informs a designer how to carry out an activity with a clear and specific goal.
Playbooks are a great way to capture all of the great knowledge we have in our team, and to help each other be more effective in our daily work.
Companies like , Google, Adobe and others regularly use playbooks to standardize on how design practices are carried out in their projects.

For you, as the author, this is a great opportunity to:
Influence how design is carried out at Schneider.
Create published materials to highlight in your portfolio.
Practice authoring and content creation.
Connect with your other design peers on. interesting, transversal design topics.
Note that as of 2025, playbook contribution will be a metric for everyone’s annual goals!

How it works

Kicking off your participation in playbook authoring can be done two ways:
Agree to participate in one of our TREX Sessions; producing a playbook on your topic is an expected output for a presenter.
If you are passionate about sharing your knowledge with our team and improving how we work, and have an idea for a playbook, you can simply reach out to
@Przemek Mroz
@Marion Castel
The playbooks we are creating follow a template and are hosted on our team space in CODA.
We use a standard “recipe” type template for each playbook.
Each playbook covers a small topic.
Large topics can have a series of dedicated playbooks, called a playbook group.

Rules and Expectations

While it’s understood that writing playbooks is an “extra-curricular” activity and secondary to your daily work, by joining the club there are some expectations that need to be in place for the effective creation and management of playbooks in our team.
By joining the playbook club, you agree to the following:
Creating one or more playbooks (with any required supporting resources) within a given deadline.
Participating in short bi-weekly meetings to...
discuss updates...
share progress...
...and resolve any blockers from proceeding.

The authoring of a template should typically not take more than 2-3 hours of your time!

Playbook Backlog
Playbook Topic
HMI Design Process
Yann Koffy

In Progress
Research Sprints
Andy Pilip and Deborah Büsing

In Progress
Icon Best Practices
Shannon Randall

Not Started
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