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Design Ops
Off-boarding process

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Off-boarding Process

Off-boarding Workflow

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☑️ Handover Session

✅ Details
Confirm reason for departure.
List out what the employee was working on and what functions the employee was responsible, and nominate who will be taking over and how this effort can be continued.
Identify what teams and projects the employee was an owner on and identify who should take them over.
Change ownerships of any teams that the departing employee owns.
Transfer ownerships of any projects that the departing employee owns.
Identify when access to the account should be ended:
See if employee needs access to bring anything over for their portfolio.
After the session submit form for ending license to Admin team.
Open Outlook:
Determine what meeting series the employee was the owner of, and determine which ones need to be reassigned.
Cancel all meetings.
Discus communication needs, including...
The possibility of a future reference (check with HR on Schneider Policies regarding references).
Announcement to the teams about the departure, according to the sensitivity of the situation and the needs/preferences of the departing team member; agreement should be reach on when and who will make the announcement.
🧰 Resources

☑️ Farewell Activities

✅ Details
Some ideas for farewell activities:
Goodbye team lunch.
Virtual card.
🧰 Resources

☑️ License Deactivation and Spaces Update

✅ Details
The following licenses need to be deactivated:
FIGMA: Complete the to have user removed.
Adobe: TBD
Dovetail: TBD
Contact DesignOPs (
@Marion Castel
@Przemek Mroz
) to ensure that employee is removed from team documentation.

☑️ Exit meeting

🧰 Template

☑️ Team Quick Response Meeting (Sensitive Departure)

✅ Details
The purpose of this session is to mitigate rumours, misinformation, and as much negative impact on the team as possible. Give clear and concise guidance on:
The reasons for the departure.
Who they can and can’t inform and what they should say.
How the change will impact them.
What interaction with the exiting employee is appropriate.
What resources are available should the departure impact the team’s individual mental well-being.

☑️ HR Preparation (Sensitive Departure)

✅ Details

☑️ Departure Announcements

✅ Details
Some channels to consider making an announcement on:
Digital Design Team “General” channel
DesignGuild “Who’s Who” channel

☑️ Off-boarding Survey

✅ Details
The survey is available here:
Submitted results will be automatically sent to the designOPs team, who will forward it to the manager of the departing team member.

☑️ Material recovery

✅ Details
Some materials to be collected are...
Accessories, including but not limited to...
laptop bag/case
Building access badges
Materials can be returned to:
Marilyn for the Grenoble Team
Local site IT
Sent via package; process initiated by
🧰 Resources

☑️ Signature account balance with the HR

✅ Details
Process is initiated by...TBD
🧰 Resources

Sensitive Departures

How to determine whether a departure is sensitive:
If the departure requires swift termination due to severe violation of work policies.
If information of the departure could have a negative impact on business.
Ultimately it is at the manager’s and HR’s discretion.
Things to keep in mind:
It’s critical to keep the rumours and negative sentiment from spreading. In order to mitigate this inform immediate team members right away; see Team Quick Response Meeting section above).
Ensure that you are aware of what needs to be in the HR folder before initiating any action.

DesignOPs Checklist

Update DesignGuild:
Teams Channel membership list
Mailing list in Exchange
Inform Community?
Update Digital Design Team documentation:
Our Team page
Update Global Designer list / graphic.

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