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Weekly Notes

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Week 2

Code quality

-Consider the relationship between quality and requirement.
-The format used to Convery requirements is an important part of the journey.

The Scientific Method
Ask Questions.
Gather information.
Make your hypothesis.
Experiment and test your hypothesis.
analyzes results.
Draw conclusion.
Characteristics of high quality software
What is Quality?
-Businesses that value quality become
More effective at innovation.
Increase their completive differentiation.
Greatly reduces their total cost of development & ownership.
The Quality Triangle
-Available to complete project.
-Money available to fund the project.
-How much work is needed.

How do business’ stakeholders have influence?
-”If you give a user “perfect” software that doesn’t meet user needs, have you really provided them with quality software?”

Methods warning signs
- If the code within a method is being organized into sections, it does too many things
Refactor when occurs
Use meaningful names
Naming tips
Use words that are pronounceable
Classes are nouns
Methods are verbs or verb phrases
Consistent naming schemes through codebase
One word per concept
Avoid confusing names that are ambiguous or similar to ones already used
· Self documenting code
Meaningful, descriptive names go a long way
Self-documenting code means code explains itself
· Limit comments
· Format properly
· Practices beyond coding style
Revision control
Users can make their own revisions of a document
Make changes
Code reviews
Methodical assessments of code designed to identify bugs, increase code quality and help learn source code
Unit testing
Process where the smallest testable parts of an application are individually and independently scrutinized for proper execution
Continuous integration
- Build and unit testing stages of software release process
how to know what to build?
what problem are we trying to solve?
where are we going?
many ways to get to destination
consider implications
Refactoring and good design practices help make code more understandable and meaningful. Looking at code should be easy with a quick skim. It should not require intense study or great mental power in order to make sense of what is happening
Extra Week Two Content Notes

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