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Podcast Budgeting

Nitish- initial setup- cover art, mic, recording setup, setting up music and structure for trailer and episodes, episode cover art
Disha + marketing intern- marketing on Linkedin, IG, YT, email, Facebook- engagement on each platform
Manisha- conceptualizing, setup, plan, execute, schedule sessions, record, captions and content.

Initial setup and kickoff- trailer + launch (18th Sept- 27th Sept)
Nitish- 40 hours
Disha- 20 hours
Manisha- 50 hours

Time per episode:
Nitish- editing episode cover art, music selection, marketing visuals- 2 hrs
Disha- Content editing, Marketing + engagement, episode conceptualization, episode content- caption, etc.- 4-6 hrs
Manisha- scheduling, conceptualizing, recording, finalizing- 4-6 hrs

Equipment- one time:
mic- 12k
software subscription for audio cleanup- 10k per year

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