Product Requirements

PRD - Hypes Fraud Prevention

🎯 Objective

To minimize loss from fraud
To increase QC team productivity

❓ Success metrics

To minimize loss from fraud
Acceptance rate
Submission by “above 0.5%” user
Submission by “below 0.5%” user
To increase QC team productivity
Submittted content validated in a day
% of rejected
% of approve
Withdraw validated in a day
% of rejected
% of approve
ID card validated in a day
% of rejected
% of approve
Bank account validated in a day
% of rejected
% of approve
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❓ Assumptions

❓ Milestones

❓ Requirements

User Story
Jira Issue
Recommendation for suspicious hypes submission
As admin QC, I can filter suspicious hypes submission
Engagement rate (= like+comment+share)/views)
< 0,5%
>= 0,5%
ID Card Status
Verified (has been accepted)
Invalid (has been rejected)
Requesting (Waiting for confirmation)
Bank Account Status
Verified (has been accepted)
Invalid (has been rejected)
Requesting (Waiting for confirmation)
CX team able to search submitted content by username (Freetext)
As Admin QC, I can get detail info about which variable is unverified information
Data point : ​Unique Account username, verified email, verified bank account (nama sama dengan KTP, comer Rekening dan nama bank masih unique),NIK dan nama unique, ​Engagement Rate
Recommendation for suspicious hypes submission
As Admin QC, I can get detail info about which variable is unverified information when I am checking submitted content
Need to show In every card:
Tiktok username (Clickable, direct to Usesr’s Tiktok profile)
IG username (Clickable, direct to Usesr’s IG profile)
Requested at (Date and Time)
ID Card Status
Verified (has been accepted)
Invalid (has been rejected)
Requesting (Waiting for confirmation)
Bank Account Status
Verified (has been accepted)
Invalid (has been rejected)
Requesting (Waiting for confirmation)
has been used by another account (show the another user)
Engagement Rate
Engagement Rate = (like+comment+share)/views
No of viewers
Need a sign if no of viewers larger 1,5x than no of followers
No of folowers
Punishment for fraudulent hypes submission
As Admin QC, I can choose to punish fraudulent submission
TBA for rules
Recommendation for suspicious withdrawal request
As an admin, I can filter suspicious withdrawal request
ID Card Status
Verified (has been accepted)
Invalid (has been rejected)
Requesting (Waiting for confirmation)
Bank Account Status
Verified (has been accepted)
Invalid (has been rejected)
Requesting (Waiting for confirmation)has been used by another account)
As an admin, I can get detail info which information is unverified
Data point : ​Unique Account username, verified email, verified bank account (nama sama dengan KTP, comer Rekening dan nama bank mash unique),NIK dan nama unique,
Engagement RateTiktok and IG AccountRegistered date
#Hypes submissionWin rate for hypes
Additional info for withdrawal approval process process
As an admin, I can get detail info which information is unverified when I am checking withdrawal request
Need to add new information:
Profile picture and fullname
Requested at (Date and time)
ID Card Status
Verified (has been accepted)
Invalid (has been rejected)
Requesting (Waiting for confirmation)
Bank Account Status
Verified (has been accepted)
Invalid (has been rejected)
Requesting (Waiting for confirmation)
has been used by another account
Requested amount
CX able to see user’s
(In Balance log page) need add Hypes title in service column
Bank Info (Name and account number)
Amount to be transferred (after fee)
Withdraw status
Detail page has to be deleted
Button to:
Approve the withdrawal
Reject the withdrawal
Write the reason why the withdrawal request been rejected
Forfeit (Consider as a fraud user)
Additional info for ID and bank account verification process
As an admin, I can get detail info which information is unverified
Data point : ​Unique Account username, verified email, verified ID, verified Bank Account, request for verification date
Tiktok and IG AccountRegistered date
Additional info for ID verification process
As an admin, I can get detail info which information is unverified
Need to show In every card:
Tiktok username (Clickable, direct to User’s Tiktok profile)
IG username (Clickable, direct to User’s IG profile)
Request at (Date and Time)
Email status
Not verified
ID Card Status
Verified (has been accepted)
Invalid (has been rejected)
Requesting (Waiting for confirmation)
Bank Account Status
Verified (has been accepted)
Invalid (has been rejected)
Requesting (Waiting for confirmation)
User able to reject and approve ID Card verification request
Additional info for bank account verification process
Need to show In every row:
Tiktok username (Clickable, direct to User’s Tiktok profile)
IG username (Clickable, direct to User’s IG profile)
Requested at (Date and Time)
Ke sort newest to oldest
User email and email status
Not verified
Bank Info
Account number
Bank name
Account name
User able to reject and approve Bank account verification request
The Futureworks is in
In the future
CX able to ban & delete users
Automatic ban users
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❓ User interaction and design

❓ Open Questions

Date Answered
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❓ Out of Scope

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