Product Requirements

PRD - How to extend, upgrade, and re-subscribe

🎯 Objective

To increase Fans retention rate
To increase no of:
Fans extend their subscription
Upgrade subscription level
Resurrected user

❓ Success metrics

Make it easy for fans to extend and upgrade through external trigger
Email Success Rate -> % of Fans received email
Email Open Rate -> % of email opened
Make it easy for fans to extend and upgrade through intenal trigger
Click rate -> % of fan click the button for extend, upgrade and re-subscribe
Fans stick to consume Creator’s content
no of fans extend
no of fans upgrade subscription level
no of resurrected fans
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❓ Assumptions

❓ Milestones

❓ Requirements

User Story
Jira Issue
New email’s rules (v) (v)
As a fans, I want an email to remind me if my subscription level has almost ended.
Goal: Fans extend their subscription
If Creator klik profile banner on email, it will direct to (same subscription level & creator)
Call-to-action button direct to “my subscription” page
There will be 3 emails:
1st email will be sent in day - 7 before subscription expired
2nd email will be sent in day - 3 before subscription expired
3rd email will be sent in day - 1 before subscription expired
Email will be sent at 12.00 pm
Maximum 3 Creators per email
Fans doesnt need to receive this email if the subscription level has been extended/ upgraded
Notification (Revamp) (v) (v)
As a fans, I want an notification to remind me if my subscription level has almost ended.
Goal: Fans extend their subscription
Call to action button direct to (same subscription level & creator)
There will be 3 notifications:
1st notification will be sent in day - 7 before subscription expired
2nd notification will be sent in day - 3 before subscription expired
3rd notification will be sent the day subscription expired
Fans doesnt need to receive this notification if the subscription level has been extended/ upgraded
Snackbar (Enhancement) (v) (v)
As a fans, I want an snackbar to remind me if my subscription level has almost ended.
Goal: Fans extend their subscription
Snackbar will appear from day - 7 subscription expired
Snackbar will appear in all page
There will be 2 different snackbar:
If there are only 1 subscribed creator
If there are more than 1 creator
Snackbar is clickable. Direct to
If there are more than one subscription level that nearly end, the snackbar will redirect to
Only 1 snackbar appear, even there are more than one subscription level that nearly end
The Snackbar will be gone if
fans already extended/ upgraded the subscription level
The subscription level expired (another snackbar will appear)
Snackbar (Enhancement) (v) (v)
As a fans, I want an snackbar to remind me if my subscription level has ended.
Goal: Fans to resubscribe
Snackbar will appear from the day subscription expired
Snackbar will appear only in homepage
Snackbar is clickable. Direct to (latest expired creator)
If there are more than one subscription level that has ended, the snackbar will redirect to
Only 1 snackbar appear, even there are more than one subscription level that has end
The Snackbar will be gone if:
fans already extended/ upgraded the subscription level to same creator
Day + 2 after subscription level has ended
Email (Enhancement) (v) (v)
As a fans I want an email to remind me if there are higher subscription level when my current subscription level nearly ended
Goal: Fans upgrade their subscription level
The email will be sent day- 6 before subscription expired
Fans need to know about the benefit of the higher subscription level
Maximum 2 subscription level
If the Creator has more than 3 subscription level, Fans will receive the top 2 (the most expensive)
Need to show most liked thumbnail image and benefit from each level
Call to action button direct to
Email will be sent at 12.00 pm
Fans doesn’t need to receive this email if the subscription level has been extended/ upgraded
Email (Enhancement) (v) (v)
As a Fans, I want email to remind me to subscribe to most favorite Creator, If the Creator that I currently subscribe inactive for 14 days
Goal: Fans resubscribe to active Creator
Email for Fans that currently subscribe inactive Creator
Recommend the fans to subscribe:
2 most subscribed Creator
2 most followed Creator
Fans able to access the Creator’s profile through this email
Email will be sent at 12.00 pm
Email (Enhancement) (v) (v)
As a Fans, I want email to remind me to re-subscribe, if my subscription package already expired
Goal: Fans re-subscribe to Creator that previously subscribed
Email will be sent 2 days after after subscription expired
Email content:
Reminder to resubscribe
Show 2 of Creators thumbnail top paid content (most liked)
Show the subscription package (max 2 level) and the benefit (max 5 benefit)
Call to action button direct to Creator’s profile
Email will be sent at 12.00 pm
Creator’s profile (new section) (v) (v)
As a Fans, I want to know Creator's subscription level, when I am visiting creator’s profile
Goal: Fans extend, upgrade, and resubscribe their subscription
Show the subscription package when creator land creator’s profile.
Show what subscription level that currently Fans subscribe to. With the detail:
The subscription status:
“# hari lagi berakhir”: If subscription level almost ended
“15:05:55”: If subscription level almost ended below 24 hours
“Expired”: if subscription level that has ended. this status will be gone14 days after the subscription expired
Subscription benefit
Subscription price
Call to action button to:
Subscribe: If Fans doesnt subscribe the creator yet
Extend: If Fans already subscribe
Upgrade: If there are another (higher) level in subscribed creator
If fans subscribe the highest subscription level, another subscription level doesn't appear.
The sort of subscription level:
If fans subscribe
Current subscribed level
from the cheaper (top) to more expensive (down)
If the subsbcription has ended
expired subscription level
from the cheaper (top) to most expensive (down)
If fans doesnt subscribe
from the cheaper (top) to most expensive (down)
Need to add a sign and animation dot if the subscription nearly end and expired
The subscription section on the right will be stopped if reaches the end of the section
The dot sign will apply H-7 subscription expired
The sign will be gone if:
Fans re-subscribe the creator
14 day after the subscription ends
Additional requirement for mobile If fans doesnt subscribed:
Only show 1 subscription level → the basic subscription level
The subscription status:
“# hari lagi berakhir”: If subscription level almost ended
“15:05:55”: If subscription level almost ended below 24 hours
“Expired”: if subscription level that has ended. this status will be gone14 days after the subscription expired
Subscription benefit
Subscription price
Call to action button to:
Subscribe: If Fans doesnt subscribe the creator yet
Extend: If Fans already subscribe
Upgrade: If there are another (higher) level in subscribed creator If fans already subscribed:
Only show current subscription level
The subscription status:
“# hari lagi berakhir”: If subscription level almost ended
“15:05:55”: If subscription level almost ended below 24 hours
“Expired”: if subscription level that has ended. this status will be gone14 days after the subscription expired
Subscription price
Call to action button to:
Subscribe: If Fans doesnt subscribe the creator yet
Extend: If Fans already subscribe
Upgrade: If there are another (higher) level in subscribed creator
If fans subscribed the highest level, the benefit doesnt need to be appeared
Extend and upgrade subscription button in “My subscription” page
As a Fans, I want to be able to extend, upgrade,and resubscribe Creator’s subscription level in “subscription-ku” page
Goal: Fans extend, upgrade, and resubscribe their subscription
New button to new paage → transaction history
Three filter:
“aktif”: only show active subscription
“expired”: only show expired subscription
“semua”: show all the subscription package (active and expired)
if fans click the name or profile picture, it will open creator’s profile in new tab
Need to add call to action button to:
Extend (“Perpanjang Subscription”): If subscriptions level nearly ended (D-7 expired) direct to:
Upgrade (“Upgrade Level Lain”): If there are another (higher) level in subscribed creator. direct to:
Resubscribe (“Subscribe lagi”): If the subscription level was expired. Redirect to:
Home feed (Enhancement)
As a Fans, I want to know whose creator that I have already subscribed
Goal: Fans to extend the subscription package
New section → List of creator on homefeed
Sort of list Creators based on Subscription duration → The nearest from expired will be appeared on top
The list of creator sorted based on the latest subscribed with the subscription status:
day - 7 to day - 4 subscription expired → Yellow
day - 3 to day - 1 subscription expired → Red
Only the day subscription expired → Red
If fans click the list, it will redirect to each creator’s profile
Thumbnail image (Enhancement)
As a Creator, I want to be able to add thumbnail image for my post
Goal: Fans to re-subscribe the creator
For the Creator who creates content -> need to Add new field in “buat konten” page to add thumbnail image.
Upload thumbnail field will appear if creator want to post paid content
Upload thumbnail image is not required
If creator doesnt set thumbnail image, it has to be same with previous version
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User interaction and design

Red dot untuk nearly dan expired munculSnackbar cuma dihome untuk nearlySnackbar di mana mana kalo udah expired
Status di section subscription ​Expired (H+14)AktifNearly;H-3, H-2, countdown per jam Snackbar: ​Nearly;H-3, H-2, countdown per jam ke ikut kemana manaExpired (Di home, dan H + 1)Diklik pindah ke subscription Status di homefeed: ​h- 7-4 kuningh-3-1 merahpas hari h expired merah Versi mobile nya list subscribed creator pake tab

❓ Open Questions

Date Answered
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❓ Out of Scope

Blurred image for paid content
email upgrade kalo creator nge post 1 level di atas nya ngepost

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