Attn Platform

PRD - ATTN - Register, Login, Forgot Password

🎯 Objective

❓ Success metrics

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❓ Assumptions

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❓ Requirements

User Story
Jira Issue
Register on Noctua Platform
Entry point from Nav Menu, Side Menu Bar “Register”
Register Flow
User must input Email, Password, Confirm Password
User must input verification code
in order to get verification code, first user must click 'Send' button to let system send email verification that contains verification code
if user already get the verification code, user must input the code on the text field
User must check the agree box
Last, user click Register button to register their account into Noctua Platform
Email Box
user must input a valid email, and unused email before register into noctua platform, system will check the email if not valid, or already have account with the same email in noctua platform
Password Box
user must input min 8 characters with alphabet and number combination, if not shows error message
Confirmation Password Box
user must input confirmation password as the same as password box, if not shows error message
Verification Code
user must input the same verification code same as system sent to corresponding email. if not shows error message
Send Button (for verification)
user can resend the verification code after 60 secs
if user choose to resend, system will sent a new code and will expired or void their past verification code
give button to Login Page
After successfully Register, user will be redirected to Onboarding Page
Onboarding - Get Rewards after Registrations
Login Page & Pop Up Login
Entry point from Nav Menu, Side Menu Bar “Login”
Login Flow
user must input correct email and password in order to login into Noctua Platform
if not system will show error message
give button to Register Page
give button to Forgot Password Page
Forgot Password
Entry point from Login Page or Pop Up Login, click “Forgot Password“
Forgot Password Flow
user must input email that he/she used to get into noctua platform
user click Send Verification Code, system will check:
if email not found or not valid, system will show error message
if found and valid, system will sent verification code email
user will be redirected to change password page
user must input verification code, new password and confirm password
user click reset password
Verification Code Box
user must input the same verification code same as system sent to corresponding email. if not shows error message
Send Button (for verification)
user can resend the verification code after 60 secs
if user choose to resend, system will sent a new code and will expired or void their past verification code
New Password Box
user must input min 8 characters with alphabet and number combination, if not shows error message
Confirmation Password Box
user must input confirmation password as the same as password box, if not shows error message
After successfully Forgot Password, user will be redirected to Success Page, and automatically redirected to Noctua Homepage
Verification Code Email
system will sent verification code email for “Registration” & “Forgot Password“
this is one-time-password, and will be expired after 24 hours
if user choose to resend the verification code, system will sent a new code and will expired or void their past verification code
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❓ User interaction and design

❓ Open Questions

Date Answered
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❓ Out of Scope

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