Attn Platform

PRD - ATTN - Exchange Reward

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🎯 Objective

❓ Success metrics

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❓ Assumptions
❓ Requirements
User Story
Jira Issue
Reward Registration
Every user registration will get reward to exchange
If the reward is item → the item prize will be 0 coin
If the reward is coin, the reward should be appear in Quest tab
user able to claim the reward
The entry point from Nav Menu, Side Menu Bar “Rewards“, & from Homepage section “Claim your coins and exchange it for rewards“ → “shop” tab
Or, user can enter the merchant page through button in quest page
Before Login
in order to view My Coins and Shop, user must login first
If (unregistered) user enter the merchant page, need to add entry point to sign in page
After Login
On this page system will show:
Total nominal Noctua Coins
User are able to filter the items based on the downloaded game
“Haven’t downloaded game” → need to add entry point to detail game page
“Pre-download game” → need to add entry point to detail game page
Exchange Reward
All item provided is generated by BE
2 way user can get the item from the shop
Exchange from Noctua coin
User able to get Noctua coin by completing quest
User able to filter the item based on the type of item
User able to choose
Need to show in every item card:
Item image
Item name
max 36 characters
If the name character is more than 36 characters, need to add 3 dots after 35th character (ex: Special Epic Hero Selection Chest Fi…)
Nominal coin to exchange
The “you need xxx coin more” state will appear if user has less than 100 coins
Label “Limited” will be appearing for limited item
Urgency state will appear if the quota of limited item is less than 100 items
Green state → if the item quota is 10 or more
Red state → if the item quota is less than 10
Label “Free” for the item that has 0 coin value
If an item has a quota of the limited item of less than 5 items and less than 100 coins to exchange the item → only show the “you need xxx coin more”
Exchange frequency with maximum limit exchange
[Disabled item] Label “Exchanged” if user has reached maximum exchange
need to add restock count down - More than 24 hours format → “(Day number)d (Hours number)h” → ex: “3d 5h” - Less than 24 hours format → “(Hours):(Minutes):(Second)” → ex: “15:55:05”
[Disabled item] Label “Out of Item”
need to add restock count down - More than 24 hours format → “(Day number)d (Hours number)h” → ex: “3d 5h” - Less than 24 hours format → “(Hours):(Minutes):(Second)” → ex: “15:55:05”
Detail Info from every item
AFK Champion
Item image
Item name
Item description - Max 250 characters
Item level
Item function - If the item the benefit type is resources, summon, and summon pet, no need to add item benefit value on “Item function” field
Related hero - If the item applicable for all heroes, Need to add “all heroes” on Related hero field - If the item applicable for character, need to add “applicable for character”
The “you need xxx coin more” state will appear if user has less than 100 coin
Quota state will be appearing for limited item
Urgency state will appear if the quota of limited item less than 100 item
Green state → if the item quota is 10 or more
Red state → if the item quota is less than
Exchange frequency with maximum limit exchange
CTA button to complete the reward exchange
[Disabled item] Label “Exchanged” if user has reached maximum exchange
need to add restock count down - More than 24 hours format → “(Day number)d (Hours number)h” → ex: “3d 5h” - Less than 24 hours format → “(Hours):(Minutes):(Second)” → ex: “15:55:05”
[Disabled item] Label “Out of Item”
need to add restock count down - More than 24 hours format → “(Day number)d (Hours number)h” → ex: “3d 5h” - Less than 24 hours format → “(Hours):(Minutes):(Second)” → ex: “15:55:05”
If the item is disabled → user isn’t able to click the exchange button
Item image
Item name
Item description
List of item need to be sorted by:
Based on colum “priority” in this
“High” → put this item in the top
“Medium” → put this item in the middle
“Low” → put this item in the bottom
Put “Exchanged” item (Already reached the maximum exchange per user) to lowermost
List item reward →
User cannot exchange coin if (Need to be disable):
Doesnt have enough coin
Run out the quota
Already reached the maximum exchange per user
Frequency reset maximum exchange and exchange per user time:
AFK Champions
Daily item: 00:00 GMT +7
Weekly item: 00:00 Monday
Monthly item: 1st day in every month 00:00
Daily item: 23:00 (GMT +7)
Weekly item: Sunday, 23:00 (GMT +7)
Monthly item: Last day in a month, 23: 00 (GMT +7)
If there are no item to be exchanged → redirect user to the “quest” tab
Need to add celebration animation on every reward exchanging success

Acceptance Criteria:
User able to enter merchant page
User able to exchange coin for item
Need to show the item as requirement

In Game Exchange Reward
Entry point → User able to enter this page in the middle of the game
Before Login
If (unregistered) user enter the page, need to direct user to login page
After Login
in this page system will show:
Total nominal Noctua Coins
User are able to filter the items based on the downloaded game
“Haven’t downloaded game” → need to add entry point to detail game page
“Pre-download game” → need to add entry point to detail game page
Exchange Reward
All item provided is generated by BE
2 way user can get the item from shop
Exchange from Noctua coin
User able to get Noctua coin by completing quest
User able to filter the item based on type of item
User able to choose
Need to show in every item card:
Need to show in every item card:
Item image
Item name
max 36 characters
If the name character is more than 36 characters, need to add 3 dots after 35th character (ex: Special Epic Hero Selection Chest Fi…)
Nominal coin to exchange
The “you need xxx coin more” state will appear if user has less than 100 coins
Label “Limited” will be appearing for limited item
Urgency state will appear if the quota of limited item is less than 100 items
Green state → if the item quota is 10 or more
Red state → if the item quota is less than 10
Label “Free” for the item that has 0 coin value
If an item has a quota of the limited item of less than 5 items and less than 100 coins to exchange the item → only show the “you need xxx coin more”
Exchange frequency with maximum limit exchange
[Disabled item] Label “Exchanged” if user has reached maximum exchange
need to add restock count down - More than 24 hours format → “(Day number)d (Hours number)h” → ex: “3d 5h” - Less than 24 hours format → “(Hours):(Minutes):(Second)” → ex: “15:55:05”
[Disabled item] Label “Out of Item”
need to add restock count down - More than 24 hours format → “(Day number)d (Hours number)h” → ex: “3d 5h” - Less than 24 hours format → “(Hours):(Minutes):(Second)” → ex: “15:55:05”
Detail Info from every item
AFK Champion
Item image
Item name
Item description - Max 250 characters
Item level
Item function - If the item the benefit type is resources, summon, and summon pet, no need to add item benefit value on “Item function” field
Related hero - If the item applicable for all heroes, Need to add “all heroes” on Related hero field - If the item applicable for character, need to add “applicable for character”
The “you need xxx coin more” state will appear if user has less than 100 coin
Quota state will be appearing for limited item
Urgency state will appear if the quota of limited item less than 100 item
Green state → if the item quota is 10 or more
Red state → if the item quota is less than
Exchange frequency with maximum limit exchange
CTA button to complete the reward exchange
[Disabled item] Label “Exchanged” if user has reached maximum exchange
need to add restock count down - More than 24 hours format → “(Day number)d (Hours number)h” → ex: “3d 5h” - Less than 24 hours format → “(Hours):(Minutes):(Second)” → ex: “15:55:05”
[Disabled item] Label “Out of Item”
need to add restock count down - More than 24 hours format → “(Day number)d (Hours number)h” → ex: “3d 5h” - Less than 24 hours format → “(Hours):(Minutes):(Second)” → ex: “15:55:05”
If the item is disabled → user isn’t able to click the exchange button
Item image
Item name
Item description
List of item need to be sorted by:
Based on colum “priority” in this
“High” → put this item in the top
“Medium” → put this item in the middle
“Low” → put this item in the bottom
Put “Exchanged” item (Already reached the maximum exchange per user) to lowermost
List item reward →
User cannot exchange coin if (Need to be disable):
Doesnt have enough coin
Run out the quota
Already reached the maximum exchange per user
Frequency reset maximum exchange and exchange per user time:
AFK Champions
Daily item: 00:00 GMT +7
Weekly item: 00:00 Monday
Monthly item: 1st day in every month 00:00
Daily item: 23:00 (GMT +7)
Weekly item: Sunday, 23:00 (GMT +7)
Monthly item: Last day in a month, 23: 00 (GMT +7)
If there are no item to be exchanged → redirect user to the “quest” tab
Need to add celebration animation on every reward exchanging success

Detail Order
Objective: confirm the reward exchange
Need to show detail information:
The Game
The Server
The Character
The Item
Payment method → “Noctua Coin” (Static)
Checklist to agree with Noctua’s agreement
Cancel → back to merchant page
Confirm → Agree to exchange
If user doesnt check the checklist box, the “confirm” button will be disable
If the exchange succeed:
“thank you” page
button to:
Open the game
only appear if user exchange the item from ATTN platform
Buy another item
If the exchange fail:
“transaction failed” page
button to:
Open the game
only appear if user exchange the item from ATTN platform
Buy another item
There are no rows in this table
Objective: confirm the reward exchange

❓ User interaction and design

❓ Open Questions

Date Answered
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❓ Acceptance Criteria

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